Category: Shipbuilding

New building in Flensburg

Keel laying for newbuilding 784 The first module of the newbuilding number 784, weighing more than 154 tonnes, was lowered onto the pier by crane in a traditional keel laying ceremony at Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG). In keeping with maritime custom, a coin was placed on top of the bollard as a lucky charm for the RoRo ferry to be built. The nails were hammered into the keel laying plate by Philipp Maracke (Managing Director of FSG Nobiskrug Holding), Chas Kelly (CEO SeaRoad), Tony Johnson (Technical Marine Manager SeaRoad), and Dustin Lind, the youngest apprentice at FSG. The ferry will be fuelled with LNG. With this new order, SeaRoad is continuing...


Carbon capture saves 40% in emissions

Carbon capture is regarded as an innovative approach to reducing emissions in the shipping industry. Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) has installed a system for the first time. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+ subscription: Access to all articles from the marineforum magazine Easy payment via PayPal, direct debit or credit card The subscription can be cancelled at any time free of charge For MOV members free of charge To the subscription options...


Carnival pushes the use of methanol

Carnival's cruise brands Aida and Costa Cruises are pushing ahead with the introduction of methanol as a marine fuel for the cruise industry. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+ subscription: Access to all articles from the marineforum magazine Easy payment via PayPal, direct debit or credit card The subscription can be cancelled at any time free of charge For MOV members free of charge To the subscription options...


Cruise emission-free - a luxury?

Norway's government has decided that from 2026, ships that still use fossil fuels will no longer be allowed to enter the country's fjords. This - quite rightly - puts designers and shipowners under pressure. But the solution is already on the drawing board - at least for the luxury segment of coastal cruises in the north of Europe: The shipping company Northern Xplorer (Oslo) has had a ship drawn by the Norwegian architecture company Multi Maritime AS (Fœrde - three fjords north of Bergen) and intends to build and commission it by the set deadline. The design looks on the...


Jet Shark - Fast Fun! Or even more?

The two New Zealanders Rob Innes and Dan Piazza started out 25 years ago as Innespace, later Innespace Productions in Northern California, with small, fast and also limited submersible watercraft of various propulsion types. For almost 15 years, they have been building fish-shaped high-performance fun boats by hand - expensive, but unique and spectacular. Their latest coup is the "Jet Shark", a further development of the "Seabreacher", which is delivered to solvent customers in exclusive small series as a 5 metre long shark, dolphin or orca, individually airspray-painted with a 1.5 litre supercharged four-stroke engine (230 hp) and water jet propulsion. Video of the "Seabreacher" "Jet Shark" is larger, has a navalised 500 hp...
