Category: Shipbuilding

Netherlands: Walrus successor - request for proposals expected from mid-November

Available on the website of the Dutch Ministry of Defence since 30 September 2022: the request for quotation will be sent to the three competing shipyards in mid-November 2022. The Hague expects Damen, Naval Group and tkMS to submit a proposal by summer 2023 for four submarines - considerations to reduce the number of units were rejected. In a letter to the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament, State Secretary Christophe van der Maat explains the procedure. It will take some time before the evaluation is finalised. "The submarine is one of our most important strategic weapon systems. ... This is an important project and involves a lot of money....


Maritime Cluster publishes guideline on ship efficiency

One of the most important levers for greater environmental protection in shipping is the efficient operation of ships. As the Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), the Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) are already in force or will be in the near future, members of the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany (MCN) Ship Efficiency Expert Group have initiated the development of a guideline, which has been developed together with experts over the past few months.The MCN Ship Efficiency Guideline was presented at an event organised by the Maritime Cluster on 28 September in...


Gorch Fock: the long way back

Gorch Fock 38th training voyage 1971 Lisbon-Kiel Even half a century ago, photographs were taken of the training voyages of the "Gorch Fock" - albeit in a decidedly "analogue" style. Colourful slides were the standard, and Super 8 films were also shot. Black and white, however, was affordable and allowed all the graphic design possibilities of the "thousand grey values". As I had already worked almost professionally with black and white photography during my school days, I stuck with this genre when I decided to enlist in the then German Navy for four years. Unfortunately, as a professional soldier, I gradually lost the time for photography as my service became more and more serious.


MAN Diesel for the frigate 126

Damen relies on "made in Germany" As the Dutch company announced at the SMM in Hamburg, the propulsion diesel engines for the German Navy's new frigate class 126 are to be supplied by MAN Energy Solutions. The delivery comprises 8 MAN 32/44CR propulsion engines, two for each of the four frigates ordered. There is an option for two more frigates, i.e. four more engines for MAN to build. Whether there is a circulating reserve or replacement engines was not disclosed and it remains unlikely even today. In June 2020, the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) finally awarded the construction contract for the...


Historic meeting after 60 years

Tall ship meets aircraft carrier: US Navy compliments the Signora It was on 12 July 1962: the US aircraft carrier "USS Independence" encountered the "Amerigo Vespucci", which was sailing under full sail, in the Mediterranean and asked her to identify herself by light signal. The Italian three-masted ship, which was launched in February 1931, identified itself by name and described itself as a "high-ranking national ship on active service", whereupon the US Navy described it as "the most beautiful ship in the world". Now the repetition after 60 years: The aircraft carrier USS "George H.W. Bush" recently passed the "Amerigo Vespucci" in the Adriatic and repeated the compliment:...
