Category: Technology

Deutsche Marine beschafft RAM Block 2B

RAMSYS (RAM-System GmbH, München) hat am 27.10.2022 einen Beschaffungsvertrag über 600 hochmoderne Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) Block 2B Lenkflugkörper (LFK) für die Deutsche Marine erhalten. Die neuen LFK werden ab 2024 an die Marine ausgeliefert. Cleverer Suchkopf Ein neu entwickelter Infrarot-Suchkopf und die Einführung eines Datenaustausches (Missile-to-Missile-Link) zwischen mehreren RAM Block 2B einer Salve erhöhen den Kampfwert des Waffensystems erheblich. Zusammen mit dem leistungsgesteigerten Radarsuchkopf wird die hervorragende Treffergenauigkeit des hoch agilen RAM LFK gegen aktuelle und zukünftige konventionelle und asymmetrische Bedrohungen verbessert und stärkt so die Durchsetzungsfähigkeit der Deutschen Marine. Wer hat's erfunden? Die Entwicklung wurde von RAMSYS...


Israeli torpedo defence solution for surface units

DSIT Solutions Ltd (DSIT), a subsidiary of RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Ltd and the Israeli provider of underwater defence technology for 30 years, presented its torpedo defence system for surface vessels at EuroNaval 2022. Its components, a hull sensor in two variants, a control suite and the RAFAEL torpedo defence system as a combination of soft and hard-kill solution can be installed on a large number of surface platforms and integrated into the existing command and weapon deployment systems. In the course of a torpedo attack, the target has little time to recognise the threat and initiate effective countermeasures. In addition, the underwater signalling environment makes reliable classification difficult due to high false alarm rates....


EuroNaval: Naval Group presents visionary eco-combat ship "Blue Shark"

After German Naval Yards had already shown off its "Seaguard 96", the design for a future environmentally friendly corvette combat ship, at the SMM maritime technology trade fair in Hamburg a month ago, Group Naval was now able to present its vision for an even more futuristic-looking ship on home turf in Le Bourget near Paris at EuroNaval. The combat ship of the future, built and operated with maximum environmental responsibility and the size of a frigate (160 metres - 5,500 tonnes), is initially called the "Blue Shark" - in other words "a beast of war with the blue environmental seal" on it! The concept ship is to consist of the latest technological building blocks, which will be designed for use, but also for environmental protection on...


Luftverteidigungssystem für die Ukraine

Diehl Defence, HENSOLDT und Airbus liefern Defizite bei der NATO Diehl Defence hat mit HENSOLDT und Airbus eine Gefechtseinheit des Luftverteidigungssystems IRIS-T SLM an die Ukraine geliefert. Vertragsunterzeichnung war bereits im Juni 2022. Wie Diehl in einer Pressemitteilung verlauten lässt, werden weitere IRIS-T SLM Gefechtssysteme so schnell folgen, wie der industrielle Prozess es zulässt. Diehl ist Generalunternehmer und Systemintegrator aller Komponenten, liefert das Startgerät und die Flugkörper zu. HENSOLDT trägt das Multifunktionsradar TRML-4D bei. Von Airbus stammt die Gefechtsstand-Software IBMS-FC (Integrated Battle Management Software Fire Control). Das Unternehmen liefert das bisher einzige serienreife System. Es ist für Reichweiten von...


George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group under NATO command

The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group was placed under NATO command on Friday as part of the Neptune Strike 2022 exercise series, the Pentagon's deputy press secretary announced. The exercise officially began Friday at Strike Force NATO headquarters in Oeiras, Portugal, according to a press release from the U.S. 6th Fleet. In addition to the US, Albania, Canada, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom will also participate. It was not clear from the press release what the carrier battle group will be doing in detail as part of the exercise, apart from conducting...
