Category: Magazine

Tanks under water

Working at great depths requires long decompression times - or inflexible armoured diving suits. A new system provides new mobility under water. The US Navy is currently trialling a newly designed deep diving suit, the "Deep Sea Expeditionary with No Decompression" (Dsend) system. The atmospheric diving suit should enable the user to reach great diving depths relatively quickly, carry out longer missions and resurface without lengthy decompression. Compared to the armoured diving suits currently in use, the hardened but lightweight atmospheric diving suit, which is equipped with rotating, removable joints, should also help the diver to achieve greater mobility, dexterity and flexibility under water. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user?...


Iran hijacks oil tanker - Tit for Tat?

An initially diffuse situation consolidates over the course of the day. At 04:30 (CET) on 11 January, UKTMO (United Kingdom Marine Trade Operations, Portsmouth) issued the initial report that unknown persons had boarded a ship. It was later reported that 4 to 5 masked gunmen in military-looking clothing had seized the vessel about 50 nautical miles east of Sohar, Oman. Later in the day, Iranian state media reported the seizure of an oil tanker by the Iranian navy in the Gulf of Oman. The ship in question is the crude oil tanker "St. Nikolas" (flag state Marshall Islands), which had been stranded in Basrah, Iraq, after loading...


Turkey: Second Anadolu-class landing/drone carrier planned

The dock landing ship ANADOLU - a copy of the Spanish helicopter landing ship JUAN CARLOS I adapted to national requirements - has barely entered service when the Turkish Navy is already negotiating the construction of a second unit with the Spanish state-owned shipyard consortium Navantia. In line with technological progress, it is also to be built according to the plans and with essential supplies from Spain, but again nationally at Turkish shipyards in south-east Istanbul. The Turkish side is always talking about an aircraft carrier. This could have been the case if Turkey had not secured the approval of the USA by flirting with Russian-designed air defence systems.


Thailand: Renunciation of Chinese submarine

A correction first: In issue 10-23, it was stated that submarines made in Sweden are also used in Australia and Japan. This is only true insofar as Australia used the Swedish Kockums design to build its six COLLINS-class boats in its own shipyards - Japan only used the Swedish licence for its ten SOROYU-class boats so that it could build the Stirling engine for the air-independent propulsion system itself. So, that was necessary - now to the actual news from East Asia. In May 2017, Thailand acquired a conventional Chinese submarine of the S 26T class (export version of the YUAN class, 78 metres, 3600...


The maritime idea gets an institute

An audience of around 50 listened with fascination to the lecture by retired Captain Rolf Martens, the last surviving of the seven founding members of the German Naval Institute at the German Armed Forces Command and Staff College. The retrospective in the 50th anniversary year is highly exciting. It is a contemporary witness report, and so you can read the original version here in an abridged version. It is quite moving for me, as the last surviving founding member (of seven), to give a talk in the 50th anniversary year about how the German Naval Institute came to be founded, a foundation that was not based on spontaneous inspiration, but was the result of years of development. I...
