Category: Magazine

US Navy commissions 57mm controllable ammunition

Northrop Grumman is developing self-guided munitions for the Mk 110. As reported on 4 October, the US Navy has awarded Northrop Grumman the development contract for a new 57-millimetre guided munition variant. The company has already laid the technical foundations for the ammunition on its own initiative. The contract that has now been awarded will be used for development up to series production and the associated testing. The new shells are intended for use with the Mk 110 deck gun, which is currently deployed on the Navy's Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). The fully automatic gun can be used against both air targets - including UAVs and sea targets - and sea targets....


Spain: Armada aims to expand its fleet to 12 frigates

The Armada currently has eleven frigates: Six slightly modified replicas of the American OLIVER H. PERRY frigates of the SANTA MARIA class (F80, 138 metres, 4,000 tonnes) from the 1980s/90s and five frigates of the ALVARO DE BAZÁN class (F100, 146 metres, 6,200 tonnes, German-Dutch-Spanish design, built by Navantia) from 2002 to 2012. As the newbuildings of the BONIFAZ class (F110, similar to the new American CONSTELLATION class) planned to replace the six ships of the SANTA MARIA class have so far only been planned in the amount of five units, an important flagship would be lost in the total number. In order to counter this development, the Spanish Navy has now launched the...


Spain: Tactical drones from Alpha Unmanned Systems

Not only large companies are benefiting from the significant increase in Spanish defence spending, but also the small drone manufacturer Alpha Unmanned Systems (AUS), based in San Sebastián de los Reyes north of Madrid. It manufactures the Alfa 900 miniature unmanned helicopter, which the Spanish Navy was able to demonstrate to the partner nations during this year's NATO manoeuvres in operational use, both in terms of integrated data exchange and integration into the command and control system. The demonstrator platform was the FUROR (P-46), which as an OPV (Offshore Patrol Vessel - Buque de Acción Marítima (BAM)) was ideal for initial trials and integration. All elements...


Responsibility for Germany's maritime security

At the parliamentary evening in Berlin, the participants discussed the legal and organisational problems of maritime security. "Our maritime infrastructure is the lifeline for the economy and society in our country. How can these lifelines be protected, and who reacts when a danger threatens or needs to be combated?" This was the key question posed by Siemtje Möller, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, at the "Maritime Security" parliamentary evening she hosted at the Hamburg State Representation in Berlin. Peter Tschentscher, Hamburg's First Mayor, and Jens Plötner, Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Federal Chancellor Scholz, emphasised the central importance of the sea and maritime security in their introductory speeches.


Spanish Navy acquires multi-purpose tug OCEAN OSPREY

The OCEAN OSPREY (67 metres, 2,300 tonnes) was purchased by the Spanish Navy's Logistics Command from the shipping company Navaleva SL in mid-September for around 15 million euros in order to be available in future as a multi-purpose logistics vessel and tug for the Armada from the Ferrol Naval Arsenal (north-west Spain). Ten years ago, the Norwegian supply service provider Atlantic commissioned the construction of the ship at a Basque shipyard for 25 million euros. Declining demand for fossil fuels and a generational change in the floating energy park maintenance platforms have caused the value of these ships to fall, but at the same time the need for support units in the armed forces has increased. The new tasks...
