Category: Magazine

Where are the "blue" scientists?

Scientists specialising in marine topics are in demand abroad. Here in Germany, however, they are fighting against disinterest and rejection. On the face of it, the 175th anniversary of German navies is primarily a matter for historians, as the aim is to draw the broad lines. However, such a rather narrow view has two major problems. Firstly, historians rely on sources such as files, diaries and photos, access to which is usually regulated and usually beyond the 30-year mark. Historians are far less willing and able to provide information on current developments relating to the German Navy. The eternal fascination with the Battle of the Skagerrak and Scapa...


Ukraine: Breakthrough power with new diving drones

The surface drones of the Ukrainian naval forces will only be effective as long as the Russian navy has not developed effective defence tactics. The next logical step is to shift the dynamics below the surface. Ammo Ukraine has now used its ingenuity and engineering skills to develop such an underwater drone. Marichka is to be six metres long and have a range of 1000 kilometres. Depending on the payload, it can be used as a means of transport, a reconnaissance sensor or an attack weapon. The media are currently talking about testing - but this is only likely to take up a small window of time, as the real test should be a timely baptism of fire with real hits.


NATO: Mandate extension for NATO Military Committee Chairman

At their meeting in Oslo in mid-September, the NATO Chiefs of Defence agreed to extend the mandate of Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee by a further six months until November 2024. He will then be succeeded by the Italian Chief of Defence, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone. With this decision, NATO wants to maintain continuity in the leadership and at the same time enable his successor to fulfil his duties as Italian Chief of Defence until the end of his mandate. The Chairman of the NATO Military Committee is the principal military advisor to the Secretary General and the North Atlantic Political Council (Ambassador) and represents to them the common interests of NATO...


ASEAN/Indonesia backs Code of Conduct for South China Sea

The East Asian island state is chairing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) this year and wants to use its opportunity to at least agree a code of conduct with China for the highly controversial South China Sea. The guidelines for a Code of Conduct (CoC) drawn up by Indonesia were adopted by the Director of the Office of the Central Committee for Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Communist Party in Jakarta in mid-July. The ten Asean countries and China now aim to finalise the CoC negotiations within three years. It is the first multilateral attempt to resolve the escalating dispute in the South China Sea. The code of conduct is intended to harmonise national...


Royal Navy sells legacy assets - reuse or scrap

The Royal Navy had held on to old, decommissioned hulls for reserve purposes for years. This surplus tonnage is now to be rapidly reduced, as it also costs personnel, money, time and berths. The recycling company of the British Ministry of Defence has drawn up a five-year plan for this and will begin selling four ships this year exclusively for material recycling. In addition to a minesweeper, the first lot includes the much-travelled Type 23 frigates MONTROSE and MONMOUTH as well as the Type 82 destroyer BRISTOL - a single ship with air defence duties for an aircraft carrier class that was never built - which entered service in 1973. In 1982, the BRISTOL led the two-destroyer air defence force in the Falklands...
