Category: Security policy

Performance-based awarding of ship maintenance services

How can public clients set the right incentives in order to obtain optimal offers for the maintenance of naval units? Because not (everything) is a question of price. There is public consensus on the subject of Bundeswehr procurement: It needs to be accelerated and improved. There is less unanimity on the question of how exactly this should be done. The Bundeswehr Procurement Acceleration Act of 11 July 2022 focuses on deregulating the framework conditions under procurement law. It therefore saw the acceleration of procurement as essentially a regulatory task. The Federal Minister of Defence set access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also...


From the Indo-Pacific to the Baltic Sea, everything is connected

China and Russia are at the forefront of maritime aggression worldwide. Germany's interests are also affected. Shipping and geopolitics have always been intertwined. With this in mind, leading representatives from politics and the maritime industry used unusually clear words to focus the attention of the latest SMM on social defence, resilience and competitiveness. While the majority of major European shipowners are now avoiding the Red Sea, Chinese-owned vessels are increasingly sailing here. Trade patterns in the region have changed almost overnight since the Yemeni Houthi attacks began. Just as the war in Ukraine was not caused by the conflict...


Taiwan is at the centre of the Sino-American rivalry

Commentary Regardless of the outcome of the US elections, China is preparing for further conflicts with the US and is contributing to the escalation of a Cold War. Despite its new aggressiveness, China has so far remained defensive. Initiatives such as the New Silk Road and Made in China 2025 are aimed at reducing dependence on Western sales markets and products, which can be seen as a defensive measure against the increasing economic strangulation of the USA in the field of high technology. China is well aware of its greater vulnerability compared to the United States. It consumes more food than it can produce itself and is dependent on...


New security policy constellation in East Asia: Japan takes centre stage

One of the most significant developments in the Western Pacific is Tokyo's emerging rapprochement with Seoul and Manila in terms of security policy. Even after almost 80 years, the resentment from the Second World War and the decades before is still very much alive in East Asia. This is particularly pronounced in South Korea and the Philippines, where many people still harbour negative attitudes towards Japan and the dispute over war-related reparations payments continues. This circumstance has also characterised the security policy relations between these countries to date. However, the dual threat from China and North Korea has recently led to a rethink. There is a growing realisation that the time has come...


Calling challenges by name

For almost a decade, the Baltic Commanders' Conference has provided a platform for western Baltic Sea neighbours to exchange experiences. The aim is also to jointly implement projects. Kiel-Wik naval base, middle of the last decade. Two flag officers, both former speedboat drivers and therefore at home in the Baltic Sea, one commander of the fleet, the other flotilla commander, stand in the staff building of Flotilla 1 and look out over the berths at the base. There are far too few boats to practise demanding scenarios on their own in addition to their ongoing duties. Too little capacity to organise complex, multi-dimensional training projects. Admittedly, this is not a fundamentally new...
