Category: Shipbuilding

US Navy concretises its Medium Unmanned Surface Vessel

DARPA (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is entering stage 2 of its NOMARS programme (No Manning Required Ship) for the development of ships that no longer require human intervention while at sea. The aim is to build a demonstrator for a medium-sized MUSV (Medium Unmanned Surface Vessel) that can fulfil its tasks at sea with a significant payload and maximum reliability. New deployment concepts for navies Whatever the payload, the unmanned vessel will open up completely new application concepts in the future. "We will enable deployment and stationing procedures that will allow entire fleets of unmanned vehicles to be deployed worldwide as partners for larger manned...


Schottel drive for the world's first hydrogen tractor

The port of Antwerp-Bruges contains the world's first hydrogen-powered tugboat, as Schottel reports in a press release, which will be equipped with Schottel propulsion systems. The HydroTug was recently launched at the Spanish shipyard Astilleros Armon and will start operating in the Belgian port at the beginning of 2023 as one of the cleanest ships in the port's fleet. According to Schottel, the tug's main propulsion system consists of two Schottel SRP 460 rudderpropellers (2,000 kW each) with a propeller diameter of 2.4 metres. With this thruster configuration, the 31 metre long and 12.5 metre wide vessel achieves a bollard pull of around 65 tonnes. The SRP units will be...


Large donation for the DLRG Flensburg

Flensburger Schiffbau Gesellschaft - shareholder Lars Windhorst donates 20,000 euros to the Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft e.V. (DLRG) The DLRG group in Flensburg is delighted to receive a donation totalling 20,000 euros. At the FSG summer reception with Minister President Daniel Günther on 20 August at the Robbe & Berking Heritage Center, Philipp Maracke, Managing Director of Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG), presented the donation cheque to Thorsten Brocks, Chairman of the Flensburg branch of the DLRG. "I am delighted to provide financial support to this association, which is so important for our city on the water, on behalf of Lars Windhorst, founder of Tennor Holding and shareholder of FSG," emphasised the Managing Director. The Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft...


Revision of - Project 03160: Russia wants to modernise its Raptor combat boats

Based on the findings from the Ukraine war, Russia apparently wants to modernise its fleet of Project 03160 Raptor combat boats. This was announced by the contracted shipyard in a statement. In addition to armament, the focus of the measure will also be on the protection of the boats. The Project 03160 patrol boat, which is designed and manufactured by the St. Petersburg-based Pella shipyard, has been in service with the Russian armed forces since 2015. With a length of 16.7 m and a width of 4 m, the Raptors have a maximum displacement of 23 tonnes according to the manufacturer and can carry a crew of two or three in the hull.


Project 03160: Russia wants to modernise its Raptor combat boats

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