Digital barcamp on security policy communication for the navy

27 Nov 2020 | Multimedia, Webinar | 0 Kommentare

Kiel, 2019: Under the title "#boarding19 - Fjords, Twitter, grey ships", the Freundeskreis Seebataillon e.V. and the Hermann Ehlers Akademie organised the first barcamp on security policy communication in the navy. Around 60 military and civilian experts from the fields of press relations, politics, journalism and corporate communications came together to learn from each other and discuss the latest trends in (security policy) communication.

#boarding20 picks up the discussion - this time digitally 

This year we are entering the second round. Together, we want to build on last year's event and expand the discussion to include the topic of leadership: What role do digital tools play in leadership? How effective are the Bundeswehr's social media guidelines? How do you counter the sharing of misinformation - e.g. on the Covid-19 pandemic? How can maritime security policy be successfully communicated digitally?

Your topics in the nexus of (maritime) security policy, social media and communication are very welcome. As usual in barcamps, the topics are defined by all participants.

#DigitalBarcamp - how does it work?

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are organising Barcamp 2020 in digital form. The basic form of the Barcamp will remain the same. We will try to bring the barcamp atmosphere to you in your home office using online tools and video channels. And just like last year, we want to bring together experts from the fields of marine, social media and communication.

We will let participants know exactly what this means in timely updates.

Participation is possible after successful registration via Eventbrite. -> Link to registration on Eventbrite

Why a barcamp on leadership and security policy communication?

Troll factories, hybrid warfare, cyber attacks and digital security vulnerabilities have become an integral part of modern warfare. Twitter and other social networks provide data from war zones. Misinformation and disinformation deliberately influence and fuel conflicts. In addition, soldiers and members of the Bundeswehr themselves provide data via private accounts that can provide information about the location and motivation of soldiers.

At the same time, social media is an important information channel - especially for young people. Official presences on social media convey direct impressions of service in the armed forces and the role of the armed forces themselves. In addition, the presence of leaders on the web characterises the sense of community internally and the perception of the troops externally.

With the Barcamp #boarding20, the Freundeskreis Seebataillon e.V. and the Hermann Ehlers Akademie would like to make a contribution to raising awareness of these important topics for modern armed forces and their significance for the navy.

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