awareness for

Das Deutsche Maritime Institut –
The German Maritime Institute

Who we are

The DMI is the German ‘first port of call’ for naval expertise and maritime perspectives. Counting in its ranks active and retired naval officers, officers from the maritime branch of the German Federal Police (‘coast guard’), ’captains’ of the maritime industry and organizations, academics, independent experts and analysts, the DMI, however, is not an academic think tank in a classic sense, but rather an informative forum.

DMI President

Traditionally, the President of the DMI is a retired flag officer while the Chairman is an admiral on active duty.

Karsten Schneider
Rear Admiral (rtd.), German Navy

Sascha Helge Rackwitz
Flotilla Admiral, German Navy

The DMI aims to strengthen the maritime network in Germany and is its strongest voice. It annually co-hosts the Maritime Convention in Berlin (by invitation only!) and organizes the Maritime Colloquium Wilhelmshaven. For the first time, DMI has now taken the content-related responsibility for the MS&D Conference (Maritime Security & Defence) in September 2024 in Hamburg. MS&D is an international keynote conference and part of the the bi-annual leading international maritime trade fair SMM Hamburg (

The DMI’s voice is marineforum (, the leading German magazine and website covering a wide range of naval and maritime topics.
If you are interested in German naval expertise as well as European and international maritime views please contact