Frigate "Bayern" and destroyer "Yugiri". Photo: German Armed Forces

Frigate "Bayern" and destroyer "Yugiri". Photo: German Armed Forces

Frigate "Bayern" returns

16 Feb 2022 | Headlines, News, Shipping | 0 Kommentare

Deployment to the Indo-Pacific: back after 43,000 nautical miles

By sending the "Bayern" to the Indo-Pacific, the German Navy was able to show its colours and demonstrate on the ground that Germany stands alongside its international partners for the freedom of the sea lanes and compliance with international law in the region. The commander, frigate captain Tilo Kalski (46), and his crew were en route for around seven months. Their route took them past the Horn of Africa to Australia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Singapore. Most recently, the frigate "Bayern" moored in Haifa (Israel). The "Bayern" was the first German warship to be sent to the region in almost two decades. The German Navy supported the strategic objectives of the German government, in particular with a maritime presence in the region and intensive cooperation in joint exercises and training with partner armed forces.
"The consistently successful execution of this voyage, which was characterised by operational, but also primarily diplomatic facets, is thanks to the crew of this ship," concludes frigate captain Kalski. The commander of Flotilla 2, Flotilla Admiral Axel Schulz (51) adds: "The frigate 'Bayern' has been deployed to one of the most strategically important regions in the world, because the freedom and prosperity there also have an impact on us here in Germany. My thanks go to everyone who has contributed to this success! After all, it is by no means a matter of course that a ship can go to sea for months on end without any significant technical problems."
But the voyage of the frigate "Bayern" was also a success from an operational point of view. "In addition to the harbour visits in Southeast Asia, which is an exotic region for us, the operational parts of the voyage should also be highlighted as unique experiences. For example, participating in the 'Annual Exercise' led by Japan with over 20 other units from Japan, the USA, Canada and New Zealand was a unique manoeuvre for us," recalls the commander. During the route, the ship also took part in the NATO operation "Sea Guardian" in the Mediterranean and the European mission "Atalanta" in the Horn of Africa. In addition, the "Bayern" was the first German unit to make an important contribution to the UN sanctions monitoring mission against North Korea.
After the long absence, the crew will first go on a well-deserved holiday and enjoy the time with their families before the next sea voyages are scheduled for later in the year.

More information about the voyage of the frigate "Bayern" can be found on the official Twitter accounts @DeutscheMarine and @FregatteBayern as well as on

Soundbite from the commander about the previous order

Soundbite from the commander on the military manoeuvres

Soundbite from the commander about special moments


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