Bundeswehr Command and Staff College, awarding of the MOV Admiral Wellershoff Prize to Corvette Captain Hoppe. Photo: FüAkBw/InfoA

Command and Staff College of the Bundeswehr, award ceremony Admiral Wellershoff Prize of the MOV to Corvette Captain Hoppe. Photo: FüAkBw/InfoA

FüAkBw: Awarding of the MOV Admiral Wellershoff Prize

General Staff/Admiral Staff Service Course 2021 (LGAN 2021 / 63rd ASTO)

The Chairman of the MOV and Deputy Chairman of the DMI, Rear Admiral (ret.) Thorsten Kähler, awarded the "Admiral Wellershoff Prize" to the best national course participant of the Navy in the LGAN 2021, Corvette Captain Martin Hendrik Hoppe, on 11 July 2023 in the Flag Hall of the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College together with the Regional Representative Hamburg and Head of the Naval Faculty, Captain Nils Brandt.

The ceremony took place in midsummer temperatures in the presence of the course director of the LGAN 2021, Colonel Steinhoff, the participants of the Marine learning group, the responsible tutors and the lecturers of the Faculty of Marine.

Presentation of the Admiral Wellershoff Prize, from left to right: KAdm aD T. Kähler, KKpt M. H. Hoppe, KptzS N. Brandt. Photo: FüAkBw/InfoA

Corvette Captain Hoppe has shown outstanding performance in the naval part of the course (TSK phase) honoured by the Admiral Wellershoff Prize and has earned the recognition of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Naval Science and his course mates through his appearance, personality and commitment. In his laudatory speech, former Rear Admiral Kähler emphasised not only the exemplary leadership qualities but also the personality and team spirit of this year's "Admiral Wellershoff" award winner.

Corvette Captain Hoppe has a degree in economics and was trained as an operator in Flotilla 2 and in the Dutch Navy before going to sea. After completing the course, he will take up his post as a department head on the staff of the German Military Representative to the Military Committee of NATO and the European Union in Brussels (DMV MC NATO & EU).

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