The participation in Terminal 2 in Damietta was only recently announced, graphic: Hapag-Lloyd

The investment in the Damietta in Terminal 2 in Damietta was announced, graphic: Hapag-Lloyd

Hapag-Lloyd also grows in ports

Following the commissioning of the 13,300 TEU "Rio de Janeiro Express", the first of the first of six sister ships, and the keel laying of the later "Hamburg Express" with a capacity of 23,000 TEU as the first ship in a series of twelve, the Hamburg-based container liner shipping company Hapag-Lloyd has now surprised the experts with a significantly increased commitment to the port terminal business. By taking over the entire terminal business and the associated logistics services of the Chilean SM SAAM, the shipping company has become one of the largest terminal operators in South and Central America. The purchase price is said to be one billion US dollars. SM SAAM's terminal business comprises ten terminals in six countries in South, Central and North America with around 4,000 employees and a container throughput of around 3.5 million TEU in 2021. The container logistics business complements the terminal business at five locations in Chile with around 300 employees. With the acquisition, Hapag-Lloyd intends to further strengthen its port activities with the aim of building a robust and attractive terminal portfolio. Hapag-Lloyd currently holds stakes in the Altenwerder container terminal in Hamburg, the JadeWeserPort in Wilhelmshaven, Terminal 2 in Damietta, Egypt, and Terminal TC3 in Tangier, Morocco.

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