Jan Lütjen (left) and Tjark Lange can rely on each other 100 per cent on every dive. Photo: Phillipp Steiner

On every dive Jan Lütjen (l.) and Tjark Lange can rely on each other can rely on each other 100 per cent. Photo: Phillipp Steiner

Job with danger and depth

26 Mar 2025 | Headlines, Magazine, Shipping

Martin Sulanke has been a professional diver for 36 years. He works on the "Atair". In an interview on board, he explains what his job involves and why it can be dangerous underwater.

"I originally come from deep-sea fishing," says Sulanke, who wears a white stubbly beard, a silver earring and a red cap. The 61-year-old, who now lives in Bad Schwartau near Lübeck, comes from the former GDR. He later joined a hydraulic engineering company and trained as a professional diver.

After the end of the GDR, he joined the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). He has served the authority, which is responsible for nautical charts and offshore wind farms, for 34 years. In the meantime

26 Mar 2025

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