German Navy, corvette Köln, second batch class 130, at the outfitting pier. Photo: Michael Nitz

German Navy, corvette Köln, second batch class 130, at the outfitting pier. Photo: Michael Nitz

Expansion for naval arsenal at Rostock site

The takeover is rumoured to be imminent

As the NDR announced on Friday, the naval arsenal is to be expanded with a site in Rostock. According to information from, the decision is to be made by the Federal Minister of Defence this month. On 15 or 16 June, the experts in the ministry will present the results of their analysis to the holder of command and control. If the Minister's decision is favourable, a further site would be available for the arsenal operations.

However, the maintenance facility for naval vessels - traditionally known as the naval arsenal for short - is not part of the Navy's organisational area, as the name suggests, but rather the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) in Koblenz.

Another location for the naval arsenal in Rostock would be a gain for the German Navy. The capacities of the naval arsenal in Wilhelmshaven are already insufficient to maintain the naval vessels. The reductions in recent years, particularly in operations at the Kiel site, have led to a constant deficit in the maintenance phases. As the navy could also receive two more frigates following the latest decisions as part of the 100 billion special fund, the utilisation of a dry dock in Rostock would also be a positive point.

As the decision to operate ten instead of just five corvettes five years ago has already increased the number of units in Warnemünde, this is another point in Rostock's favour. IG Metall Küste welcomes the decision. In the short term, this means a gain of 500 jobs - the benefits for service providers and suppliers can currently only be guessed at.

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