MS BURGENLAND Photo: R.E. Kuster Collection/Flensburg Maritime Museum

MS BURGENLAND Photo: R.E. Kuster Collection/Flensburg Maritime Museum

MS Burgenland: Murder on board

During the Second World War, atrocities that are barely comprehensible today also took place on a ship off the South American coast. The story of the MS Burgenland shows the brutality of the Nazi era.

"Under attack from several heavy units. My location is approximately 7° South 26° West. Must sink ship, classified information has been destroyed." - This was the last message from the blockade runner MS Burgenland, which was received by the naval command of the Kriegsmarine on the evening of 5 January 1944. What was understood to be classified information was to be the subject of a court case against the former naval attaché in Tokyo and head of the Naval Special Service East Asia, retired Admiral Paul Wenneker, in the mid-1960s. The ship, which was confronted by the American cruiser USS Omaha and the destroyer Jouett east of the Brazilian city of Maceió during an attempt to break through to Europe,

31 May 2022

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