The South Korean Daewoo Group has experience in the construction of LNG tankers, photo: Daewoo

The South Korean Daewoo Group has experience in the construction of LNG tankers, photo: Daewoo

Numerous LNG tankers under construction

The surge in interest in liquefied gas has also driven up demand for special tankers to transport it. "As the export market for liquefied natural gas has developed positively, the order books of a number of shipyards that can build ships of this sophisticated type are also full," explains Dr Martin Kröger, Managing Director of the German Shipowners' Association (VDR). There are around 500 LNG tankers worldwide and in the middle of the year, a further 255 LNG tankers were on the order books for delivery in the coming years. LNG transport does not play a role for German shipping companies. They lack the expertise for this. This is because LNG tankers are special ships that require a great deal of experience to build and operate. The business is "mainly in foreign hands, mostly with the major LNG exporting countries such as Qatar, the USA and Australia," says Kröger.

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