MASS von Rheinmetall

MASS from Rheinmetall

300th MASS delivered by Rheinmetall

The Düsseldorf-based company Rheinmetall is celebrating the delivery of its 300th Multi Ammunition Softkill System (MASS). The anniversary customer, the Finnish Navy, was also the system's launch customer. MASS is currently in service with a total of 14 user nations.
Rheinmetall's MASS family of maritime ship protection systems protects ships and boats from a wide range of threats - on the high seas as well as in coastal waters or on rivers. The automated decoy system is used against sensor-guided missiles in all relevant wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. MASS can be installed on all types of ships and can be integrated into existing command and weapon deployment systems or operated as a stand-alone system. As standard, MASS consists of one to six directional launchers, each of which can eject 32 so-called omni-trap effect charges.
Since its introduction in 2002, Rheinmetall has consistently expanded its MASS family. The latest versions include MASS OCR with Offboard Corner Reflector and the stand-alone variant MASS ISS (Integrated Sensor Suite) for units that do not have their own reconnaissance system against laser or radar threats, for example.
The MASS OCR version is characterised by special deception and deflection capabilities against the latest radar threats. Two offboard corner reflector missiles (OCR) can be used per launcher, which generate ship-like radar signatures. Their range can be automatically programmed between 35 and 850 metres, depending on the situation, and they can be deployed for over 60 seconds.

PGG Tornio der finnischen Marine

PGG Tornio of the Finnish Navy

Text: mb; Illustrations: Rheinmetall, Finnish Navy


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