The 60th Hi Ta Ta in January 2020 in Linstow was exceptional in every respect. As in the six previous years, Vice Admiral Rainer Brinkmann, Deputy to the Chief of Naval Operations and Commander of the Fleet, opened the ceremony. 60 Hi Ta Ta. He explained the choice of topics and justified this with the intention of asking what from our recent history is still relevant to our own responsibility today. The thematic canon ranges from the question of what we have inherited from our predecessor navies to today's public perception of the navy.
Unfortunately, the Hi Ta Ta lectures have not been published in book form as intended. There are many reasons for this. However, we want to give readers, visitors, members and interested parties the opportunity to revisit these treasures and thus honour the work of the speakers.
As it was the last Hi Ta Ta was, because both in 2021 and 2022, after repeated postponements, there was no 61. hi ta ta marineforum will soon be publishing the finished but never held presentations here.
In co-operation with the Naval Command, marineforum is thus helping to ensure that the efforts of the speakers are given the respect they deserve. Coming soon here.....
First row of HiTaTa belongs to the "three starters": here the Admiral Horten, Krause and Nolting
Vice Admiral (ret.) Wolfgang Nolting as Chairman of the Marine-Offizier-Vereinigung e.V. (MOV)
Many thanks for providing the lecture texts!
However, the table of contents indicates that this is not the last edited version of the document.
I recommend checking again here.
Thank you very much,
F. Lahl, KptLt dR
Thank you Mr Lahl,
the editorial team takes another look