The art of shipbuilding

Guillaume-Plisson for Abeking & Rasmussen Excellence

Abeking & Rasmussen - The art of shipbuilding

German shipyards have established themselves in lucrative niche markets with innovations and expertise. A visit to Abeking & Rasmussen in Lemwerder.

Months ago, I wrote that a voyage on the Lower Weser arouses the sailor's curiosity to take a look at the halls that line the shore. There, where the names are emblazoned that you can read cast in brass on thousands of ships on all the world's oceans. It is a curiosity that is not just an interest in technology. It also triggers emotions, awakens memories and fuels the proverbial (Saint-Exupéry) longing for the sea. Or, as a shipbuilder once said to me: "when it's finished and you can't get enough of it".

6 Sep 2021

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