Final muster at the MSM - Crew 10/2024 is given a ceremonial farewell, photo: Bundeswehr

Final muster at the MSM - Crew 10/2024 is given a ceremonial farewell, photo: Bundeswehr

Mürwik Naval School: Farewell, officers' letters and a ball

Farewell ceremony for crew 10/2024 at the naval officers' alma mater

On 14 March, the entire staff of the Mürwik Naval Academy - 300 servicemen and women as well as civilian employees - took part in a graduation ceremony. The occasion was the completion of the military officer training course for 70 members of crew 10/2024. The special guest of honour at this event was the former Deputy Inspector of the Navy and Commander of the Fleet and Support Forces, retired Vice Admiral Rainer Brinkmann, who ceremoniously presented the future naval officers with their officer's certificates. The more than 300 invited guests, friends and family members were offered a colourful supporting programme, including a tour of an on-board helicopter and a demonstration by the naval battalion. The event was accompanied by the Kiel Naval Music Corps under the direction of Inga Hilsberg. The chairman of the Marine-Offizier-Vereinigung (MOV) e.V., Rear Admiral Thorsten Kähler, honoured the best participants with a top prize. The event concluded with the traditional crew ball.


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