The US Navy has netted a really big fish: On 8 May, the USS Miguel Keith (ESB 5) into service. She is the third ship in the Louis B. Pullerclass and serves as a mobile base for the logistical support of high-value combat units. With a length of 233 metres and a width of 50 metres, it displaces around 79,000 tonnes. With its diesel-electric propulsion system, the ship can reach 15 knots and has a range of 9500 miles. Depending on the mission, there are 34 civilians and up to 250 soldiers on board. The Miguel Keith at National Steel and Shipbuilding in San Diego, a subsidiary of General Dynamics.

Sister ship Lewis B. Puller
Although the Miguel Keith is not armed, but it does have some special features. The striking design is essentially based on the civilian tankers of the Alaska-class. There is a flight deck with two landing pads for CH-53 heavy transport helicopters as well as space for four more helicopters of this size and a hangar installed at the bow. Alternatively, V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft can also be accommodated. The Keith is equipped with a Dynamic Positioning System to enable it to remain at a fixed point even in deep waters and to turn the ship in the appropriate direction for air traffic. The ship also has the ability to pick up mission-dependent cargo to support other combat units. Cranes that can take small boats weighing up to eleven tonnes on board and set them down again are also used for this purpose.
The new addition was named after Lance Corporal Miguel Keith, a soldier in the US Marines who lost his life in Vietnam in 1970 and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honour.

Nice backside of the Miguel Keith
Text: mb; Photos: US Navy
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