Category: Headlines

Open Day on 12 November 2024 at the Mürwik Naval Academy

Visitors will gain insights into various areas of the German Navy's traditional training centre. The "Red Castle by the Sea" opens its doors for the last time in 2024 On 12 November, the Mürwik Naval Academy will open its doors to the public for the last time in 2024 from 13:30 to 16:30. Access is via the guardhouse at Kelmstraße 14, 24944 Flensburg or via the Twedter Mark side gate. Visitors can visit the boat harbour, the staircase, the assembly hall, the portico, the library and climb the school tower to admire the fjord from a new perspective. In addition, the...


Elsflether Werft - judgements pronounced

In the fraud proceedings involving the former managers of the liquidated Elsflether Werft AG, the Oldenburg Regional Court handed down the last verdicts for the time being on 1 October 2024. A former shipyard board member must go to prison. The proceedings involved corruption, fraud, breach of trust and bribery, among other things. The trial was originally scheduled to last 40 days. However, due to the extensive confessions of the two defendants, fewer witnesses had to be questioned so that the judgements could be pronounced after just 18 trial days. Main defendants The former Elsfleth shipyard in the district of Wesermarsch had been commissioned with the refurbishment of the training sailing ship "Gorch Fock", among other things. The costs had exploded...


Co-operation between A&R and Fassmer

The further cooperation was formally announced at the EURONAVAL maritime trade fair in Paris on 5 November 2024. The signed partnership is not new territory for either shipyard; both shipyards already support each other with the multi-purpose vessels for the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport. The first multi-purpose vessel is currently moored at the pier at Fassmer and is being fitted out by Abeking & Rasmussen. A 105 metre long hydrographic vessel (BHO) for the Indonesian navy is on its way from Indonesia to the Weser. This is also a joint project between the two shipyards.


The LCS debacle of the US Navy

Hardly any other US Navy concept has made as many negative headlines in recent decades as the Littoral Combat Ships (LCS). With the foreseeable end of the procurement programme, it is now time to come to terms with the disaster. The transverse launch of the USS Cleveland on 15 April 2023, in which the ship rammed a tugboat and was slightly damaged, is emblematic of the state of the US Navy's LCS programme. What was supposed to be a cutting-edge concept to prepare the Navy for challenges in coastal waters turned into a maritime nightmare shortly after the first ships were commissioned. Originally...


"Gorch Fock" visits Hamburg

The "Gorch Fock", the German Navy's sail training ship, is currently at the Hamburg Norderwerft shipyard (Naval Vessels Lürssen Group), where it is undergoing its class renewal - the scheduled ship MOT. All the necessary work is due to be completed on 8 November 2024. Commander Frigate Captain Elmar Bornkessel invites all interested parties to visit the ship at Überseebrücke on 9 and 10 November from 12 noon to 6 pm. The last visit to the "Gorch Fock", which was built in 1958 at the Blohm & Voss shipyard in Hamburg, was almost 10 years ago. kdk,...
