Category: Headlines

New reconnaissance tool for the Armada

Grupo CPS, a Spanish innovation forge in the south-west of Madrid, has shown the various areas of responsibility in the Armada - from the Admiral's Staff to the Air Flotilla and the Naval Armaments Department - the possibilities of a relatively simple RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System). Originally developed as a private initiative for the fishing industry to spot schools of fish and tuna from the air with minimal resources, the system can also be set up on any helicopter platform with a starter and fishing net. It can also be equipped with a task-specific sensor suite, which is already available in the CPS portfolio. On-board use On board the BAM P-46 FUROR (Buque...


Combating marine targets in marginal seas - Blue Spear in Estonia

With the end of the Cold War, many countries around the Baltic Sea disbanded their coastal defence squadrons and scrapped their missiles. Not so the navy of the Russian Federation, which has continuously developed the weapon systems of its Baltic Fleet. Now it looks like this resource-saving method of combating sea targets in marginal seas is experiencing a renaissance: at the beginning of October, the Estonian Defence Investment Centre announced that it had signed a contract with Proteus Advanced Systems to purchase Blue Spear sea target missiles with a range of 300 kilometres for Estonian national defence. Good reasons - simple, practical, Baltic. The commander of the Estonian Navy, Commodore Jüri Saska, described the purchase...


Sailboat and aircraft carrier - unequal meeting at sea

The news would have been lost in the noise: A Polish single-handed sailor had overlooked the French flagship! Or vice versa - which still needs to be clarified! The sequence of events According to the Préfecture Maritime de Méditerranée (Premarmed), the aircraft carrier CHARLES DE GAULLE was on a training voyage around 40 miles south-east of Toulon in mid-November when a 10-metre sailing yacht was spotted off the bow early in the morning at dusk in wind force 6. But by then it was already too late to take full evasive action. In the unavoidable collision (it couldn't have been more, judging by the pictures), the boat lost...


Ukraine: Even more new recruits for the navy

An dem Tag, als Mitte November der britische Verteidigungsminister Ben Wallace die Ukraine besuchte und ein Abkommen zur „Entwicklung der Fähigkeiten der Seestreitkräfte der Ukraine“ unterzeichnete, vermeldete die ukrainische Marine die Ankunft von zwei neuen Küstenwachbooten. Die beiden überholten und von weiß auf grau umgepönten ex-ISLAND-Klasse Patruillenboote der US Coast Guard wurden als Decksladung von Baltimore/USA nach Odessa in der Ukraine verfrachtet. Nun sind es vier Dort sind bereits zwei typgleiche Boote einer US-Lieferung aus 2019 stationiert. Die Willkommensbotschaft des Marinebefehlshabers, Konteradmiral Alexey Neizhpapa, lässt tief blicken: „Die Boote werden in Kürze die Flagge der ukrainischen Marine hissen und...


Frigate Myanmar: An unknown quantity

The navy of the Republic of Myanmar, which is geographically located between India, Bangladesh, Thailand and the People's Republic of China, has been undergoing an extensive fleet renewal programme for several years, which has so far gone almost unnoticed by the Western media. The fleet of the Myanmar Navy is made up of a colourful mix of different units from the USA, Denmark, the former Yugoslavia, India and the People's Republic of China. Between 1998 and 2002, CAMC Engineering from China laid the foundations for today's naval shipbuilding capacity in Myanmar by modernising the existing facilities and building a modern shipyard complex at the Naval Dockyard Headquarters in Thanlyin (not far from Yangon).
