Category: Headlines

Four years in the theatre of operations - the British landing ship Cardigan Bay returns

After four years, the British landing ship Cardigan Bay returns home. The ship and crew were stationed in Bahrain as part of a forward deployment together with four minesweepers. During her time in the Persian Gulf, Cardigan Bay, which belonged to the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA), served as a command and supply ship and also took part in various manoeuvres during this time. This was most recently the case during Artemis Trident, a joint exercise with French and American units that takes place every two years. In addition to the main focus on mine hunting, this year's exercise also included self-defence against attacks from the US...


The maritime industry is an important economic sector in Germany

Maritime shipping is the backbone of global trade, as the pandemic has once again clearly demonstrated. The German merchant fleet is still the fifth largest in the world. With 16.4 per cent of global capacity, Germany even has the largest container fleet in the world. At the end of 2020, 1844 merchant ships were owned by German shipping companies. These shipping companies provide 86,000 jobs directly in Germany. Worldwide, they employ 480,000 people. Germany has a modern shipbuilding industry specialising in high-tech products. Between 70 and 80 per cent of the added value of a ship built in Germany is generated by the nationally based, medium-sized supplier industry, whose sites...


AKK visits USS Charleston

Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer visited the US island of Guam last weekend. At the Apra Harbor naval base, she was given a tour of the USS Charleston, a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) of the US Navy. She also took the opportunity to talk to soldiers. Kramp-Karrenbauer is currently on a trip to Asia, which has already taken her to South Korea. While this could be one of the last major business trips for the minister, it was a premiere for the Airbus A 350, which has been available to the air force since January: the first long-haul delegation flight. Guam is an important outpost for the...


Werra is coming back!

It was a cold Friday with temperatures around zero degrees when the Werra left Kiel at the beginning of January. Under her commander, Corvette Captain Robert Lehmann, 61 male and 10 female soldiers took their leave on board the tender and set course for the Mediterranean. As part of the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2), they took on a variety of tasks in the Aegean over the following four months. The focus was on gathering information to build up a picture of the situation and cooperating with the Greek and Turkish coastguards and the European border protection agency Frontex. In order to establish a direct link to the partners on land...


RAM for Egypt

The Egyptian Navy will receive up to 168 RIM-116s in the Block 2 variant from Raytheon. The US Department of Defence has now approved a sale under the Foreign Military Sales programme. The contract includes the delivery of Guided Missile Round Packs (GMRPs) and is worth around 113 million dollars. A good quarter of the work will be carried out by RAM-System GmbH in Ottobrunn. The GMRPs are used to transport, store and launch up to eleven of the missiles. RAM offers seeing units a means of self-defence against approaching missiles. The modern FKs have a length of 2.79 metres and carry a good...
