NATO reacts to Russian airspace violations in the Baltic Sea
The German Navy participates in the NATO activity "Brilliant Vanguard" with the air defence frigate "Hessen" (F 221).
WeiterlesenGepostet von MarineForum | 29 Sep 2024 | Headlines, Headlines Slider, Marines from all over the world, News, Security policy | 0
The German Navy participates in the NATO activity "Brilliant Vanguard" with the air defence frigate "Hessen" (F 221).
WeiterlesenGepostet von MarineForum | 27 Sep 2024 | Blog, Books, Headlines | 0
"Der Reibert - Das Handbuch für die Soldatinnen und Soldaten der Bundeswehr" can now be ordered from Mittler! The Reibert has been the standard handbook for the Bundeswehr for decades and offers comprehensive basic knowledge of laws, ordinances, decrees and service regulations. Indispensable for soldiers of all ranks. On 24 September 2024, the new edition of "Der Reibert - Das Handbuch für Soldatinnen und Soldaten der Bundeswehr" was published by Mittler Report Verlag GmbH. The comprehensively revised and updated edition also includes the organisational changes in the branches of the armed forces and in the Ministry of Defence, information on the new organisational area of cyber and information space as well as details on the newly introduced hand weapons...
WeiterlesenGepostet von MarineForum | 27 Sep 2024 | Headlines, News, Shipping, Security policy, Armed Forces | 0
On Tuesday, 1 October 2024, the research vessel "Planet" departs for the NATO support mission in the Aegean Sea. With the adoption of the new NATO force organisation (NATO Force Model) on 1 July 2024, the demands on the German Navy as part of the NATO defence forces have increased significantly. The combat and support units previously entrusted with the task are therefore required to do more than before. In order to increase the German Navy's room for manoeuvre, it was decided to replace the German Navy's military forces with civilian units suitable for the tasks. The research vessel "Planet", with its capabilities in the area of sea endurance, the large amount of space available and the necessary telecommunications...
WeiterlesenGepostet von MarineForum | 27 Sep 2024 | Headlines, News, Security policy | 0
Ceremonial swearing-in of Crew 2024 at the Naval Academy Mürwik On 26 September 2024, the cadets of Crew 2024 were sworn in as part of a ceremonial muster. The invited family members of the officer cadets were able to experience the naval school in the evening light of torches and to the musical accompaniment of the Kiel Naval Music Corps. In addition to former Vice Admiral Heinrich Lange, who was invited as guest of honour, and Rear Admiral Christoph Müller-Meinhard, Commander Support of the Rostock Naval Command, visitors from politics, society and the Bundeswehr were also present. The Mürwik Naval School on the Flensburg Fjord (MSM) is the "alma mater" of officers and officer cadets of the German Navy. Since...
WeiterlesenGepostet von MarineForum | 26 Sep 2024 | Headlines, Marines from all over the world, News, Shipbuilding | 0
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