Category: Magazine

Nordic defence

The Scandinavian navies can look back on a long history. Due to the confrontation with Russia, their importance in the North and Baltic Seas is growing again. The Scandinavian states of Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland are traditionally closely linked. They are represented in the Nordic Council for cultural and political cooperation and in the Nordic Defence Cooperation Nordefco. The aim of the latter is to coordinate joint defence projects in the areas of procurement, logistics, training and defence planning. Norway, Denmark and Iceland, which do not have their own armed forces, are members of NATO, while the neutral states of Sweden and Finland have joined the EU and the NATO Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme.


One last time HELGE INGSTAD

Three years after the sinking of the Norwegian frigate, the final questions have now been answered. As is so often the case, a chain of avoidable mistakes led to the disaster. The Norwegian 5400-tonne frigate HELGE INGSTAD was one of the Scandinavian kingdom's five major naval warships. It was built between 2006 and 2009, mainly at Navantia in northern Spain. The design was based on the Spanish type F 100 frigate, also known as the ÁLVARO DE BAZÁN. Construction number four of the FRIDTJOF NANSEN class collided with the Maltese 113,000-tonne tanker SOLA TS in Hjeltefjord, the northern entrance to Bergen, on 8 November 2018. The collision, which lasted for days,...


Small forces, big impact

The Swedish navy also reduced the number of its units after the end of the Cold War. However, Putin's annexation of Crimea in 2014 prompted those responsible to change their minds. On 18 May, the Swedish government officially submitted its application to join the NATO defence alliance. At the same time, NATO headquarters in Brussels received an application for membership from neighbouring Finland. In addition to the two Scandinavian countries, NATO itself will also benefit greatly from the accession - once all hurdles have been cleared and all 30 existing NATO member states have given their approval. Both countries bring modern and highly trained armed forces to the alliance, whose respective priorities...


Smoke on the Water

Every soldier on board must be able to fight a fire. High-quality, multi-stage training is therefore essential. The Naval Damage Control Training Centre in Neustadt in Holstein is a training facility of the German Navy. Training is provided in operational and basic training as well as by the specialised medical services group. Operational training is responsible for training the crews of seagoing units and basic training is responsible for training divers and damage defence forces, among other things. Why does the German Navy go to such lengths and maintain its own training centre? The answer lies in the special features of seafaring on military units. Safe participation in maritime traffic is...


Hunting for yachts

Russian oligarchs used to order their yachts in Germany. The sanctions are therefore also a heavy blow for the shipyards in this country. Some character traits are not part of what we generally think of as good behaviour: Voyeurism, schadenfreude, malice and envy fall into this category. But in view of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, we let the sometimes malicious reporting on the yachts of Russian oligarchs slide. Their sheer size, exorbitant prices and often unbridled luxury are fascinating. On the other hand, the owners' flaunted distance from the average citizen, their arrogance and decadence are rather off-putting. Not so long ago...
