Category: Marines from all over the world

Fire with consequences

How the US Navy is learning lessons from the Bonhomme Richard disaster The fire on the Bonhomme Richard in July 2020 was so devastating that the amphibious ship had to be decommissioned in April 2021 (Marineforum reported) The consequences and lessons learnt from this disaster are apparently more far-reaching than initially assumed. The capabilities for assessing and repairing battle damage are being revised, because what do you need to survive in a war against sophisticated opponents? Rear Adm. Eric Ver Hage, the commander of the Navy's Regional Maintenance Centre, said the Navy is even repairing the burned-out hull of the former amphibious assault ship...


It went wrong

Someone has chosen the wrong enemy, a French ATLANTIQUE maritime patrol aircraft. The Marine Nationale announced that one of its Atlantique 2 MPAs had been shot at with a laser in Brittany. The aircraft used its own sensors to identify and locate the person, who was then apprehended fairly quickly. The incident took place on the evening of 4 January 2022, when the ATL2 was on final approach to the Lann-Bihoué airbase when a madman began targeting the aircraft with a laser. The pilot then aborted the landing. The crew were then able to use their technical resources to...


India's new aircraft carrier VIKRANT

Noch bevor das Jahr 2022 zu Ende geht, soll der erste ausschließlich in Indien gefertigte Flugzeugträger VIKRANT in Dienst gestellt werden. Davor liegen aber noch eine Reihe von Funktionsnachweisen und Seeerprobungen. Erste Tests Einen Teil dieser Prüfungen hat das Schiff bereits in zwei Testfahrten abgelegt: Anfang August 2021 lief der erste Teil mit hafenseitiger Belastung der Antriebs- und Energieerzeugeranlagen auf der Bauwerft Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) ganz im Südwesten des indischen Subkontinents. Das Schiff Der gut 260 Meter lange und über 60 Meter breite Träger ist das größte je in Indien gebaute Schiff und wird auch als „Dream of...
