Category: News

Argentinische Marine – Die HEROINA in Puerto Belgrano

In Puerto Belgrano, dem größten argentinischen Marinestützpunkt etwa 700 Kilometer südlich von Buenos Aires, kurz vor Bahia Blanca, liegt seit zehn Jahren „heldinnenhaft“ ein Schiff an der Pier, das aus eigener Kraft nicht verlegen kann: der Heriona fehlt ein ausschlaggebendes Getriebe-Ersatzteil aus England! Die vier bei Blohm+Voss gebauten FK-Zerstörer der Almirante-Brown-Klasse (Meko 360 H2) aus den frühen Achtzigerjahren sind die größten Einheiten Argentiniens und für den Antrieb mit vier Gasturbinen versehen. Je zwei sind auf eine Welle geschaltet, und wenn die für Langsamfahrt nicht läuft, geht gar nichts! Nachdem das Teil 2010 zur Reparatur an eine englische Firma abgegeben...


Sea Lynx: 40 years in service

.....and suddenly the sky was black On 8 September 1981, the pre-command was set up, three weeks later the 3rd Flying & Technical Squadron Mk88. Or as it is correctly called today: Westland Sea Lynx Mk 88a. On 30 August, the naval aviators attracted a lot of attention. An "8-ship" formation flew over the partners in Wilhelmshaven. Of course, a special greeting went to the Einsatzflottille 2 and the formation was noticed on the ground in the run-up to the 40th Sea Lynx anniversary. Astonishingly, there were 8 Lynx in the air, so together with the helicopters on the Bayern, there are already at least...


Fuel tanker "Spessart" supports NATO task force

Today, the fuel tanker "Spessart", under the command of Captain Rolf-Heinrich von Bebern (55), is leaving the naval port of Kiel to join the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2) in the Aegean. Once in the operational area, the civilian-crewed fleet tanker "Spessart" will support the frigate "Schleswig-Holstein", which had already set off for the Mediterranean in mid-August. The main task of the fuel tanker "Spessart" will be refuelling and supplying the other ships of SNMG 2 with fresh water and fuel. After setting sail, the crew will go on an exercise in the North Sea before starting their voyage in mid-September.


Egyptian Navy - Navbase Gargoub inaugurated

At the beginning of July in Gargoub, halfway from Alexandria to the Libyan border, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi inaugurated a 1000 metre long deep-water (14 m) harbour pier as the largest national naval base, TKMS in Kiel handed over the S 44 submarine, the fourth of the 209/1400 mod type, to the Egyptian Navy. They replace the four boats of the outdated Romeo class that were taken over from China in the 1980s and converted to American Sub-Harpoon and Mk37 wire-guided torpedoes. In April, Egypt also became the 34th member of the Combined Maritime Force (CMF), the three Coalition Task Forces that have been in existence since 2002.


Fourth trainee network meeting - from the idea to the 3D model

On 25 August 2021, the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany (MCN) organised the fourth trainee network meeting together with MakerCube. Participants were able to get hands-on in workshops and had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the diversity of additive manufacturing, regardless of their training profession. Digital manufacturing technologies, including 3D printing, are becoming increasingly important for maritime companies. Whether for the construction of models, the production of prototypes and small series or the repair of components. Using the necessary tools requires not only digital skills, but also curiosity and knowledge of the possibilities. That's why the aim of this network meeting was to get trainees interested in solutions and their...
