Category: News

AKK visits USS Charleston

Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer visited the US island of Guam last weekend. At the Apra Harbor naval base, she was given a tour of the USS Charleston, a Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) of the US Navy. She also took the opportunity to talk to soldiers. Kramp-Karrenbauer is currently on a trip to Asia, which has already taken her to South Korea. While this could be one of the last major business trips for the minister, it was a premiere for the Airbus A 350, which has been available to the air force since January: the first long-haul delegation flight. Guam is an important outpost for the...


Werra is coming back!

It was a cold Friday with temperatures around zero degrees when the Werra left Kiel at the beginning of January. Under her commander, Corvette Captain Robert Lehmann, 61 male and 10 female soldiers took their leave on board the tender and set course for the Mediterranean. As part of the Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2), they took on a variety of tasks in the Aegean over the following four months. The focus was on gathering information to build up a picture of the situation and cooperating with the Greek and Turkish coastguards and the European border protection agency Frontex. In order to establish a direct link to the partners on land...


RAM for Egypt

The Egyptian Navy will receive up to 168 RIM-116s in the Block 2 variant from Raytheon. The US Department of Defence has now approved a sale under the Foreign Military Sales programme. The contract includes the delivery of Guided Missile Round Packs (GMRPs) and is worth around 113 million dollars. A good quarter of the work will be carried out by RAM-System GmbH in Ottobrunn. The GMRPs are used to transport, store and launch up to eleven of the missiles. RAM offers seeing units a means of self-defence against approaching missiles. The modern FKs have a length of 2.79 metres and carry a good...


Hapag-Lloyd orders another 60,000 containers

Just a few weeks ago, Hapag-Lloyd placed a major order for 150,000 containers in China. Now the German shipping company has gone one better and ordered a further 60,000 boxes. The first units are to be delivered as early as July, thus at least partially eliminating the current shortage. The reasons for the lack of a sufficient number of containers lie in the unexpectedly strong increase in demand for products from Asia, which are mostly shipped to Europe and America by container. In addition, there is an imbalance between imports and exports in Europe, which means that empty boxes also have to be sent to Asia by ship. Besides...


Holland in the Caribbean

Another of the country's warships is now travelling in the sea area around the Netherlands Antilles. HNLMS Holland was welcomed with 21 gun salutes from Fort Krommelijn on Curacao. The Holland is being deployed as a so-called station ship and will remain on site for several months. This position was last filled by the Groningen, a sister ship of the Holland, which returned to its home port of Den Helder in mid-January. She had to abandon her mission in the Caribbean prematurely because urgent repairs were needed to the starboard shaft. As another ship was not available for this task at short notice, the function of the station ship had to be taken over by...
