Category: News

Future Canadian frigates to receive Sea Ceptor

The future Canadian Surface Combatants (CSC) will be equipped with the Sea Ceptor air defence system from MBDA. Its missiles are based on the Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (CAMM). They are quickly deployable and can be used at a high cadence so that several threats can be combated simultaneously. One of the Sea Ceptor's special features is the so-called Soft Vertical Launch. The missile does not start its rocket engine in the VLS, but is initially ejected with pressurised air. The FK's engine only ignites at a certain altitude, protecting the ship and sensors from damage caused by the heat of the engine. At the same time, threats in a 360-degree radius and...


First Spanish S-80 christened

In the presence of Spain's King Felipe VI and his wife, the country's newest submarine was christened at the Navantia shipyard in Cartagena on 22 April. Crown Princess Leonor, the King's eldest daughter and Princess of Asturias, had the honour of performing the naming ceremony and smashing the traditional bottle of red wine against the ship's side. The boat with the hull number S-81 was henceforth named Isaac Peral . It is the first submarine to be built entirely in the country. Although the design is based in part on the French-Spanish Scorpene class, there are significant differences. At 80.8 metres, it is almost twenty metres...


SNMCMG 2 exercises off the Italian coast

After a two-day harbour visit in La Spezia, the units of the Standing Nato Mine Countermeasures Group Two (SNMCMG 2) took part in a mine exercise. The group, consisting of the Turkish flagship Sokullu Mehmet Pasa and the minehunters Orion (France), Evropi (Greece), Termoli (Italy), Tajo (Spain) and Ayvalik (Turkey), was confronted with a realistic scenario. Asymmetric threats also played a role here. The ITA Minex exercise is conducted annually under Italian leadership to train the skills of the staff and crews. Text: mb; Photos: Marine Nationale, Marina Militare, Turkish...


Russian ships pass through Gibraltar

On 19 April, four Russian ships crossed the Strait of Gibraltar on a westerly course. The units, which belong to the Baltic Fleet, are on their way back to their home port of Baltiysk (Pillau), where they are expected at the end of April. In addition to the corvette Stojkij, the tanker Kola and the ocean-going tug Yakov Grebesky, the small group also includes the work platform PM-82. The ships were en route for around four months. The corvette and tanker took part in multinational manoeuvres in the Indian Ocean and visited ports in Iran, Oman and Sudan. In addition to AAW and ASW exercises, the crew of the Stojkij also trained in combating...


Navy cancels the name Tirpitz

Until now, the German Navy base in Kiel has also been known as Tirpitzhafen. Now this name is to disappear and the site will officially be known as the Kiel-Wik naval base. Other incriminating names are also to be replaced by names that commemorate neutral persons or persons associated with the German resistance. The Scheermole will thus become the Oskar Kusch Mole. This is to honour First Lieutenant Oskar Kusch, a submarine commander during the Second World War, who attracted attention in the navy because of statements critical of the regime and was executed on the firing range in Kiel-Holtenau in 1944. The Tirpitzmole also loses its name and is to be named after the poet Gorch Fock.
