Category: News

Second OPV for Argentina

The Argentine Navy has taken delivery of the second Offshore Patrol Vessel built by Naval Group. At the same time, the representative of the Argentine Navy, Captain Victor Ortiz, handed over command of the ARA Piedrabuena to Commander Gaston Vega. In 2018, the two partners signed the contract for the delivery of a total of four of the multi-mission vehicles. The first unit, ARA Bouchard, was handed over to the Argentinians in December 2019. However, this was the L'Adroit formerly operated by the Marine Nationale. It was commissioned in 2012, but had only been leased from France for six years. The design...


Order boxes

While parts of the German economy will probably have to undergo an even stricter lockdown, imports and exports are booming. Container transport on the route from South East Asia to Europe is in particularly high demand. As a result, the ships deployed here are almost fully booked and freight rates for containers have multiplied in some cases. Another problem is that containers are currently not available in sufficient numbers in Asia, which is also due to the fact that significantly fewer goods are exported from Europe than producers ship in the opposite direction. The boxes are therefore sometimes returned with a long delay and then end up in the wrong place.


Ready for Japan

Damen Shiprepair returned the frigate Evertsen to the Dutch Navy this week. Over the past six weeks, the ship, which was commissioned in 2005, has been repaired in the Amsterdam shipyard and prepared for its next task. As part of the British Carrier Strike Group around Queen Elizabeth, the Evertsen will embark on a voyage of around 40,000 kilometres towards Asia from May. It will also call at Japan. Manoeuvres will also be held together with the Japanese Self-Defence Forces. In addition to the aircraft carrier, the group also includes two Type 45 destroyers (HMS Diamond and HMS Defender), two Type 23 frigates (HMS Richmond and HMS...


Relocation of US troops via Rotterdam completed

Around 1,200 vehicles and containers as well as 54 helicopters from a brigade of the 101st Airborne Division are on their way to their home base in Kentucky. They are on board a ship that left the port of Rotterdam a few days ago. As mfo already reported, the Dutch military supported the transport as part of Host Nation Support. With success, as the operation was carried out quickly and without any major problems. The US unit is returning after nine months in Eastern Europe. There, it was part of the troop reinforcement that the United States deployed in response to Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014.


Seafaring with chip fat

In March last year, UECC launched the trial with MS Autosky, a 20-year-old car transporter with a capacity of around 2,000 vehicles travelling on European routes. Over the course of the one-year pilot project, the ship consumed around 6,000 tonnes of biofuel, significantly reducing CO2 emissions. In addition, 9,000 kilograms less sulphur oxide and hardly any particulate matter are said to have been produced. Overall, CO2 per tonne kilometre was reduced by 60 %, far beyond the reduction of 40 % targeted by the IMO in 2030.
