Category: Shipping

EU: New package of measures to regulate "shadow fleet"

Denmark may inspect ships in the Baltic Sea to monitor sanctioned Russian oil exports. As part of the oil price cap for Russian crude oil introduced by the EU, the G7 states and Australia, the dominant Western insurers are not allowed to insure Russian oil cargoes priced above 60 dollars per barrel. Russian exporters circumvent the price cap by resorting to non-Western insurers. Around 60 per cent of Russian oil is shipped by sea from Ust-Luga near the Estonian border and from Primorsk near St. Petersburg. Belte and Sund The route through the Baltic Sea also runs through Storebælt (Great...

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DMI becomes a partner of the Hamburg SMM trade fair

German Maritime Institute takes over MS&D for SMM 2024 The International Conference on Maritime Security and Defence (MS&D) is a specialist conference on maritime security that takes place every two years as part of the SMM (Shipbuilding, Machinery & Marine Technology) trade fair at the Hamburg Messe exhibition centre. SMM has been organised by Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH in the Hamburg exhibition halls since 1963 and focuses on shipbuilding, maritime equipment, mechanical engineering and marine technology. The content of the upcoming MS&D 2024 will be organised by the German Maritime Institute (DMI). Those responsible made the signing of the contract public at the Maritime Convention on 21 November 2023 in Berlin....

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Türkei: Kokainfund bei Massengutfrachter

Taucher der türkischen Küstenwache untersuchten das Unterwasserschiff eines unter liberianischer Flagge fahrenden Bulk Carriers. Die türkischen Behörden beschlagnahmten fast 52 Kilogramm Kokain, das in Plastik eingewickelt an der Ankerkette des Schiffes befestigt war, während die „Berge Torre“ (176.000 Tonnen, 292 Meter lang) in der Bucht von Iskenderun, nahe der syrischen Grenze, vor Anker lag. Ein Sprecher des türkischen Innenministeriums sagte, dass der Kapitän des Schiffes und einige seiner Besatzungsmitglieder im Rahmen der Ermittlungen befragt wurden, es sei aber unklar, ob die Besatzung in die Schmuggelaktion verwickelt sei. Er sprach aber eine deutliche Warnung aus, dass Drogenhändler und Kuriere nicht geduldet...

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Recommended reading: Annual report of the naval command

The Inspector of the Navy, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, presented the annual report of the Naval Command at the Maritime Convention in Berlin on 21 November 2023. He explained: "The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, which has continued with unchanged intensity since February last year, clearly demonstrates not only the vulnerability of our globally networked world economy, but also continues to have an impact on the global flow of goods". Referring to the global security policy challenges, he explained: "With the 2023 plan, I have reaffirmed the path we have taken to consistently align the German Navy with the requirements of national and alliance defence. With our 'Naval Course...

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Pipeline for Rügen liquefied natural gas terminal fully approved

The responsible mining authority in Stralsund has approved the second section and thus the entire 50 km long connection pipeline between the gas pipeline hub in Lubmin - east of the city of Greifswald - and Mukran in Sassnitz on the island of Rügen. The pipeline will transport the liquefied natural gas delivered by ship to Mukran, where it will be regasified on so-called "FSRUs", to the hub in Lubmin, from where it will be fed into the long-distance gas pipeline network. FSRU stands for Floating Storage and Regasification Unit. Two of these units are planned in Mukran: The "Neptune", which is currently still moored off Lubmin, and the "Transgas Power", which will be...

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