Category: Shipping

Arne and the anchor

New suspicion of sabotage of critical infrastructure in the Baltic Sea: It seems to be a recurring theme that merchant ships in the Baltic Sea suddenly complain about the loss of anchors and anchor chains. This allegedly happened on 20 February 2025 when the freighter MV "Arne", coming from St. Petersburg, passed the Swedish islands of Gotland and Öland westbound. What is striking is the fact that the 27-year-old merchant ship, which flies the flag of Antigua Barbuda, left St. Petersburg on 19 February 2025 at its usual speed of around 12.5 knots and gradually slowed down as it approached the island of Gotland. From there, AIS tracking apps...


About the term Shadow Fleet - Dark Fleet - Grey Fleet

An introduction to the term and its meaning The term "shadow fleet" is frequently used and has recently hit the headlines in connection with the involvement of Western shipping companies. We want to clarify the terminology and the background. To this end, we are referring to an article by the Naval Shipping Administration, which deals with the special situation of the Russian shadow fleet in the Baltic Sea and was published on in the past few days. The article focuses on the Russian shadow fleet, which has come under increased scrutiny since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, other countries also maintain such constructs, as we will see later...


Hamburg: "Schaarhörn" - an elegant lady

With its slightly curved steel hull and golden decorated bow, the "Schaarhörn" from 1908 is a particularly elegant-looking ship at 42 metres in length. The steamer evacuated refugees in 1945 and has been a museum ship since 1995. There is a reason for the ship's stylish appearance: the "Schaarhörn" was originally intended to take illustrious guests such as Kaiser Wilhelm II through Hamburg harbour. The then Office for Electricity and Harbour Construction commissioned the steamer in 1907, also to use the ship as a sounding steamer for measuring water depths on the Elbe. However, this did not materialise at first. After the outbreak of the First World War, the Imperial Navy used the...


Geesthacht - Research vessel for low-emission drives

The German Aerospace Centre (DLR) has commissioned Lloyd Werft in Bremerhaven to build a new research vessel. The corresponding contract for the base ship was signed at the beginning of February 2025 and is expected to cost around 36 million euros. From completion in summer 2027, the DLR research vessel, which will be 48 metres long and carry up to 20 people, will primarily be used for one-day to multi-day test cruises on the North Sea and Baltic Sea and will be a unique laboratory for real-life experiments. It will also offer the maritime industry the opportunity to jointly develop innovative and climate-friendly energy systems and propulsion concepts based on hydrogen and batteries.


Bremen - Ice betting festival raises record amount for DGzRS

The ice bet in Bremen - a unique tradition Bremen has what other cities do not: An ice bet on a frozen Weser in January. However, the Weser has not really frozen over for almost 80 years. So this year, the motto was once again: "De Werser geiht" (The Weser is not frozen over). During the spectacle, donations are collected for the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (DGzRS). The history of the ice bet The bet was first made in November 1828. 18 gentlemen, including Bremen merchants, bet on whether the Weser would freeze over by January 1829. The wager: a communal cabbage dinner. Since 1928...
