Category: Shipbuilding

Methanol engines require adapted firefighting

Current fire extinguishing systems are inadequate for fighting engine room fires involving methanol-based engines, according to a new fire safety study. Engine fires Against the background of the growing interest in methanol as an alternative marine fuel, the study by the British company SURVITEC, a global provider of survival technologies, carried out extensive and comparative fire tests on marine engines fuelled with both diesel oil and methanol. The tests confirmed that conventional water mist firefighting systems do not provide the expected extinguishing performance on methanol fires. If conventionally fuelled ships are to remain safe, a new approach is needed, according to the product manager for water mist systems at Survitec. Bilge fires The tests also showed that standard extinguishing systems...

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Armed Forces Planning Norway: Vard reacts ....

.... and throws its hat into the ring On 5 April, the government presented a long-term plan for the development and structure of the Norwegian armed forces. Ten days later, a Norwegian shipbuilder ventured out of cover to respond to the outlined needs. With the "Vard Resilience Series", the Nordic subsidiary of the Italian Fincantieri Group has been presenting a new generation of naval units on its website since 15 April. According to the company, the aim of this series is to present scalable naval units for different tasks that meet the requirements for standardisation, modularisation and purpose. The Norwegian Navy currently has four submarines...

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Naval shipbuilding in Schleswig-Holstein at the turn of the century

Defence technology summit with Minister President Günther The defence technology industry in Schleswig-Holstein is an important part of the German armaments base with around 30 efficient companies employing around 8,500 defence technology employees. The business activities are broadly diversified with naval shipbuilding, the land systems and aviation industries as well as the communications, weapons and ammunition systems, sensor, optics and optronics industries. Naval shipbuilding is of particular importance to security and industrial policy in Germany's northernmost federal state. With 16 companies and 5,300 people directly employed in defence technology, it is the largest sector. With surface and underwater shipbuilding, it has key defence technologies and core capabilities that are essential for security, industrial and alliance policy as well as technological and armaments industry reasons.

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VSM: Dramatic safety risk!

Verbandsnachrichten des Verbandes für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik benennt schrumpfende Werftlandschaft als dramatisches Sicherheitsrisiko Dr. Reinhard Lüken, VSM Hauptgeschäftsführer, wird in seinem Editorial für die 85. Ausgabe der VSM-Verbandsnachrichten deutlich: er kritisiert die fehlgeleitete Schwerpunktsetzung der tagesaktuellen Berichterstattungen und verdeutlicht, dass die sicherheitspolitische Lage einen Schwerpunkt bilden muss. In diesem Zusammenhang nimmt die Werftindustrie eine wesentliche Rolle ein. Hier der Wortlaut: "Die Themenkonjunktur in den Nachrichten und Talkshows zum zweiten Jahrestag der russischen Invasion erinnern uns wieder daran: Es herrscht Krieg in Europa. Dabei haben wir es mit einem Gegner zu tun, der nach zunächst unerwartet starker Gegenwehr nun alle...

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German Federal Council President visits general contractor for the F126 naval armaments project

Manuela Schwesig, die Ministerpräsidentin von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, besuchte am 11. März 2024 im Rahmen einer Delegationsreise des Deutschen Bundesrates die niederländische Marinewerft Damen Naval in Vlissingen. Sie ließ sich über die maritime Industrie in den Niederlanden und die deutsch-niederländische Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Schiffbau- und Rüstungstechnik informieren. Ihr besonderes Augenmerk diente dem Projekt F 126. Mit der Peene-Werft, Wolgast, befindet sich eine der drei Werften, auf denen die zukünftigen Fregatten der Deutschen Marine gebaut werden, in ihrem Bundesland. Laut Pressemitteilung von Damen Naval war Frau Schwesig sehr interessiert an allem, was sie in Vlissingen zu sehen bekam. „Wir freuen uns...

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