Category: Security policy

Departure for the Mediterranean

A few hours ago, the Einsatzgruppenversorger (EGV) Berlin left its home port of Wilhelmshaven. Under the command of frigate captain Stefan Klatt, the ship will take over the contingent for Operation Irini in the coming weeks. The focus will be on monitoring the UN arms embargo against Libya. Berlin is authorised to stop and search suspicious ships in the area of operation. In addition, information is to be collected and the export of crude oil and refined petroleum products from the North African country is to be prevented. In this way, Berlin is supporting the Libyan coastguard and navy. Its operational area extends to the high seas outside the coastal seas of Libya and Tunisia. To the...


Out of the filter bubble - Part 2: #wirgegenextremismus

It's only been a week, but it seems as if a paradigm shift has taken place in security policy communication: In the past, major topics, i.e. those that everyone should be talking about, were always dictated by the Federal Ministry of Defence. This has recently been particularly evident in the employer brand campaigns. Since last Tuesday, a campaign has been running that was initiated by soldiers in their role as private individuals: Activists from the so-called #socialmediadivision have taken a political stance under the slogan #weagainstextremism. Supported by images and videos that show the protagonists plus a steadily growing number of followers in an iconic way, they spread...


Further easing of US-African relations

The American Littoral Combat Ship USS Carson City arrived in Port Sudan at the end of February. It was the first visit by a US warship since the establishment of US Africa Command in 2007. In recent years, relations between the African country and the United States have been tense and military co-operation has been avoided. It was only last December that the US government removed Sudan from its list of terror supporters. Due to its support for Al-Qaeda, the African country had been on the list for almost thirty years. But now, just a few days after the Carson City, the next US ship has already visited the...


Starting signal for France's new strategic submarines

On Friday, 19 February 2021, French Defence Minister Florence Parly gave the go-ahead for the development and construction of the new generation of strategic submarines (SNLE 3G). From 2035, the new maritime component of the French nuclear deterrent will replace the existing Le Triomphant-class submarines. The four planned units are expected to be commissioned every five years. Their operating period is specified in the glossy brochures as 2090 and beyond. There have been no official statements on technical details to date. In her speech at the announcement in Val-de-Reuil (Eure) at the centre of excellence for hydrodynamic technologies of the French Directorate-General for Armaments, the Minister of Defence...


Frigate heading for the Indo-Pacific?

Now the time has come: Berlin has decided to bring the Indo-Pacific Guidelines adopted in September to life. In the foreword, Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas states: "As a globally active trading nation and advocate of a rules-based international order, Germany cannot content itself with a bystander role in the face of this dynamic development. We have an excellent reputation in many areas of bilateral cooperation and address important issues such as climate and environmental protection, renewable energies and vocational training. Germany maintains strategic partnerships with a number of countries in the region with a large overlap of common interests." In addition, "Germany must become even more involved in the existential security concerns of its neighbouring...
