Category: Security policy

Black Sea Fleet: Russia loses Bykov-class corvette

Die ukrainische Aufklärungs- und Spezialoperations-Einheit "Group 13" vermeldete die Versenkung eines weiteren russischen Marineschiffes im Schwarzen Meer in der Nacht vom 4. auf den 5. März 2024 unweit der Kertsch-Brücke. Über diese strategische Verbindung vom russischen Festland der Region Krasnodar zur Halbinsel Krim führt die wichtigste Versorgungsroute der russischen Besatzungstruppen auf der Krim und in der südlichen Ukraine. Das Gebiet ist noch einmal 250 Kilometer von den Seegebieten vor Sewastopol entfernt, wo bereits die Raketen-Korvette "Ivanovets" (Nanuchka-II, 1. Februar 2024) und das Landungsschiff "Caesar Kunikov" (Ropucha, 14. Februar 2024) durch Drohnen-gestützte Schwarmangriffe versenkt wurden. Auch dieses Mal zeigen die...


"Hesse" on fire - what you can say about it "from the pier"

Just like the first shots fired by the "Hessians", many a report and many a statement on the subject were also quite off the mark. The difference is that the "Hessen" is drawing conclusions from this. And the leadership is facing it. We are trying to clarify the events as far as we can and want to know.... The frigate "Hessen" moved from its base on Crete through the Suez Canal into the Red Sea immediately after receiving a parliamentary mandate to assemble the contingent for the EU Operation Aspides. There it was approached by UAV shortly after arriving in the area. Not everything went as planned during the operation. Major mishaps usually announce themselves...


Naval fuel supply vessel class 707: Construction begins on second tanker

From a press release by the NVL Group The second naval supply vessel (MBV 707) for the German Navy was launched at the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg on 29 February 2024 in the presence of naval representatives and project participants. The new military supply vessels will replace the existing RHÖN-class units in the future with the sister ship that was laid down in the middle of last year. Both naval tankers are being built under the leadership of the NVL Group in cooperation with the Meyer Group in Rostock. "With the cutting of the first steel plate, we are starting the shipbuilding realisation of the second ship today as planned," said NVL project manager Beate Debold on the sidelines of the...


Finland: Alexander Stubb elected President

The result of the Finnish presidential election run-off on 11 February 2024 leaves no room for doubt; the country's military non-alignment is definitely over and Finnish voters are fully committed to their NATO membership and transatlantic security. Alexander Stubb, former Prime Minister and member of the conservative National Coalition Party (KOK), narrowly secured victory ahead of Pekka Haavisto of the Green Party. Haavisto played a key role in the accession process and as foreign minister signed Finland's historic accession treaty to NATO last year. Against the backdrop of Russia's brutal war of aggression against Ukraine, both candidates agreed that Finland...


Technical officer of MFG 5 honoured by Naval Officers' Association

Every year, shortly before the end of the year, Captain Broder Nielsen, Commander of the Naval Aviation, calls his officer corps together for the traditional Commanders Call in the officers' mess. After a review of achievements and a look into the future, the best aircraft engineering officer of the past year was honoured. This honour was presented on behalf of the Naval Officers' Association (MOV) by the Commodore of Naval Air Wing 3 "Graf Zeppelin", Captain Oliver Ottmüller, in his role as regional representative of the MOV. The winner of the award in 2023 was Kapitänleutnant Jonas Schoepke, a young officer from MFG5 who, after completing his Master's degree in...
