Category: Security policy

There is such a thing! Maritime Germany! MC 2023

The German Maritime Institute and griephan | DVV media have been organising Germany's annual maritime conference in the heart of Berlin since 2007, and word is gradually spreading that maritime dependencies, the maritime economy and global challenges need to be discussed and conferred on across the oceans. The German Maritime Institute and griephan once again organised the MARITIME CONVENTION 2023 this year. And there were two special birthdays: the 50th anniversary of the German Navy itself and the 175th anniversary of the German Navy. The motto of the event was: "Expectations of maritime Germany". The venue was once again the Representation of the State of Schleswig-Holstein to the...


DMI becomes a partner of the Hamburg SMM trade fair

German Maritime Institute takes over MS&D for SMM 2024 The International Conference on Maritime Security and Defence (MS&D) is a specialist conference on maritime security that takes place every two years as part of the SMM (Shipbuilding, Machinery & Marine Technology) trade fair at the Hamburg Messe exhibition centre. SMM has been organised by Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH in the Hamburg exhibition halls since 1963 and focuses on shipbuilding, maritime equipment, mechanical engineering and marine technology. The content of the upcoming MS&D 2024 will be organised by the German Maritime Institute (DMI). Those responsible made the signing of the contract public at the Maritime Convention on 21 November 2023 in Berlin....


Recommended reading: Annual report of the naval command

The Inspector of the Navy, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, presented the annual report of the Naval Command at the Maritime Convention in Berlin on 21 November 2023. He explained: "The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, which has continued with unchanged intensity since February last year, clearly demonstrates not only the vulnerability of our globally networked world economy, but also continues to have an impact on the global flow of goods". Referring to the global security policy challenges, he explained: "With the 2023 plan, I have reaffirmed the path we have taken to consistently align the German Navy with the requirements of national and alliance defence. With our 'Naval Course...


Evacuation unit Cyprus is reduced

In a joint press release from the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Defence, the Federal Government announced its decision to reduce the forces of the task force for a military evacuation operation. For this reason, the departure of the task force provider "Bonn" planned for 23 November is not necessary. A possible evacuation of German citizens via a seagoing naval unit will continue to be ensured without restriction. The "Frankfurt am Main" is currently on a NATO support mission in the Aegean. It was intended to replace her with the "Bonn". The ship and crew of the "Frankfurt am Main" were to be given the opportunity to prepare for the Indo-Pacific deployment next year....


BDSV: Friedrich Lürssen hands over board seat to Tim Wagner

Friedrich Lürssen, Gesellschafter der Lürssen-Unternehmensgruppe, schied nach vierzehn Jahren Mitarbeit aus dem Vorstand des Bundesverbands der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie (BDSV). Tim Wagner, CEO der NVL Group übernahm während einer Mitgliederversammlung am 16. November 2023 das Amt des Schatzmeisters. Der Bremer Werftführer war bis 2012 Präsident des BDSV, der sich 2009 aus dem Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie bildete. Davor war er, ab 2004, Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für Verteidigungswirtschaft des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie (BDI). Der BDSV versteht sich als Vertreter der Interessen der deutschen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie. Der Verband will die Unternehmen im nationalen und internationalen Wettbewerb unterstützen und sieht...
