Category: Security policy

1st submarine squadron gets new commander

Eckernförde (ots) - On Thursday, 30 June 2022, the commander of Operational Flotilla 1, Flotilla Admiral Henning Faltin (54), will hand over command of the 1st Submarine Squadron from Frigate Captain Frédéric Strauch (45) to Frigate Captain Lars Gößing (43). Frigate Captain Strauch has led the 1st Submarine Squadron with its six submarines, three fleet service boats and a tender since October 2020. "In numbers, we look back on a time when we sometimes had four units of the squadron on missions at the same time. This included 'U35', the first time a German submarine was subordinate to an EU operation. We can all be proud of that," says Strauch. In addition to the missions, as Irini...


Inspector of the Navy: 100 days in office

Schwerpunkt liegt auf NATO und Abschreckung Anlässlich seiner ersten 100 Tage im Amt setzte Vizeadmiral Jan Kaack am Montag in einer Grundsatzrede seine Schwerpunkte. Der Vizeadmiral nannte in einer Grundsatzrede anlässlich seiner ersten 100 Tage im Amt am (gestrigen) Montag die Verbesserung von Einsatzfähigkeit und Kampfkraft als Priorität: Dazu gehöre eine Verbesserung der materiellen Einsatzfähigkeit, mehr geld für strukturelle Veränderung und eine Anpassung der Standards. Die derzeitigen maritimen Operationen bei UNIFIL vor dem Libanon, bei der Überwachung von Flüchtlingsbewegungen zwischen der Türkei und Griechenland in der Ägäis sowie in der EU-Mission Irini vor Libyen binden die Marine stark. Diese...


Oligarch yachts: Expensive fun

Oligarch yachts can be quite a nuisance: government-seized material also has to be secured, stored and maintained - and that's not cheap! Operation KleptoCapture, which was launched by a task force within the US Department of Justice back in March, is responsible for coordinating the US sanctions imposed on individuals. It has now realised that the volume and value of the luxury yachts confiscated worldwide, some of which have been transferred to the USA, is shockingly high - they had not expected so much! Nor did they realise that these measures would directly cost real money. Annoying - doing something good, fishing...


Ukraine attacks Russian oil drilling platform

On 20 June, Reuters reported that the pro-Russian regional governor in Crimea had accused Ukrainian forces of attacking and setting fire to an oil drilling platform that has allegedly belonged to Russia since the annexation of Crimea in 2014. It is not known what weapons were used to carry out the attack. Three people were injured and a further seven people are believed to be missing. The ongoing work on two other platforms has been suspended. Silence from Kiev This information could not be verified at the time, partly because no details were provided by the Ukrainian side. However, the platforms are said to be located only 70 kilometres south-east of Odessa,...


RENK gearbox for the F 126

Electric traction motors for German Navy frigates The general contractor Damen Naval and RENK have signed a contract for the supply of transmission gear units and electric drives for the Class 126 frigates. RENK / Augsburg is thus continuing its co-operation with the German Navy. For example, the predecessor classes F125 and F124 were already equipped with RENK gear units. RENK also has a long-standing partnership with Damen Naval, for example in the construction of frigates and offshore patrol vessels for the navies of the Netherlands, Mexico, Morocco and Indonesia. An important difference between the future F126 and older frigates will be the new propulsion system:...
