Category: Security policy

The "Lübeck" is back home

Emotions on arrival The Lübeck returned to her home port of Wilhelmshaven today. To the sounds of the Wilhelmshaven Music Corps, the frigate moored for the last time after a deployment. The day before, the old but very good-looking ship had been greeted in home waters by her "successors" "Sachsen-Anhalt" and "Nordrhein-Westfalen" and accompanied on her last journey along the Jade. On board were the commander of Operational Flotilla 2, Flotilla Admiral Axel Schulz, and the commander of operational forces from the naval command, Rear Admiral Jürgen zur Mühlen. The latter was also one of seven former commanders that frigate captain Röckel, the last commander of the "Lübeck", had on board...


Iran seizes two Greek tankers

Response to the US confiscating an oil cargo After the United States seized Iranian oil from a tanker off the Greek coast, Iranian forces seized two Greek tankers in the Gulf on Friday. Shortly beforehand, Tehran had warned against taking "punitive measures" against Athens. The Greek Foreign Ministry stated that an Iranian Navy helicopter had landed on the Greek-flagged ship "Delta Poseidon" sailing in international waters and had taken the crew, including two Greek citizens, hostage. A similar incident took place on the "Prudent Warrior", another ship flying the Greek flag. The Greek...


The maritime side of the war: Crisis in the Black Sea Part III

Russia calls for sanctions to be waived Wheat prices rose to a record high in March and the rise in food prices has sparked protests in many developing countries and contributed to an acceleration in global inflation rates. The United Nations is trying to negotiate a deal to allow Ukrainian grain to be shipped out of Black Sea ports such as Odessa. Russia has stated that it wants sanctions lifted as part of the deal. Without access to the sea, Ukraine is focusing on alternative routes to reach its target of 2 million tonnes per month. It hopes to ship 700,000 to 750,000 tonnes per month from two small...


Baltic Sea manoeuvre "BALTOPS 22" ends with press conference in Kiel

On Friday, 17 June 2022 at 11 a.m., a final press conference will be held at the end of the annual Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) manoeuvre. The US Navy cordially invites German media to attend. The press conference is expected to take place on board the lead ship USS Mount Whitney. The dialogue partners will be the Commander of the US 6th Fleet, Vice Admiral Eugene Black, together with the Deputy Inspector General of the Navy and Commander of the Fleet and Support Forces of the German Navy, Vice Admiral Frank Lenski, and as a special guest the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) of the US Navy, Admiral Michael Gilday. After a short statement, all three admirals will...


Frigate "Lübeck" arrives in Wilhelmshaven for the last time

Final chapter of the Bremen-class frigates. The "Lübeck" will be decommissioned at the end of 2022. On Thursday, 16 June 2022 at 10 a.m., the "Lübeck" will return from the Aegean Sea from Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2). Her main focus there was on building up situational awareness and cooperating with partners in the border region between Turkey and Greece. In its function as flagship, the Commander Task Unit and its staff carried out their work on the frigate. This staff consisted of liaison officers from the neighbouring countries and, at times, the European border protection organisation FRONTEX. "This operation, so soon after the...
