Category: Armed Forces

German Navy and species protection: muffled blasting under water

Four mine warfare units - the minehunting boats "Bad Bevensen", "Dillingen", "Homburg" and the minesweeper "Bad Rappenau" of the 3rd Minesweeper Squadron, as well as the civilian support ship SAR BRAGE chartered by the Navy - trained underwater blasting in the training area off Schönhagen near Olpenitz for the first time since 2019 at the beginning of November. The German Navy took elaborate measures to protect marine animals such as the harbour porpoise (bottlenose dolphin) in particular, after carefully weighing up the interests of species protection and defence capability in consultation with the nature conservation authorities. Navy and marine mammals As part of its activities, the Navy attaches great importance to protecting marine mammals and other creatures in the marine environment.


The task force provider "Bonn" returns home after almost six months

On Friday, 11 November 2022 at 9 a.m., the task force provider "Bonn" will arrive at the Heppenser Groden naval base in Wilhelmshaven. After almost six months in action in the Aegean, the crew will first enjoy their holiday before the "Bonn" and its crew prepare for the next sea voyages next year. "For five months, the task force provider (EGV) 'Bonn' and its crew were involved in the management of the refugee crisis in the Aegean Sea with the Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2) and were thus separated from family, friends and acquaintances for a long time," says the...


Nordholz naval aviators train submarine hunting in formation

National and alliance defence are once again in focus. As part of the "Vision 22" manoeuvre, which lasted several weeks, several naval vessels trained submarine hunting in the North Sea together with the Nordholzer naval aviators over a period of five days. The focus of the last training days in the Skagerrak sea area was on the testing and further development of modern submarine hunting procedures in co-operation with the various units at sea and from the air. This allowed the crews to advance their formation training and practise in threat scenarios for national and alliance defence. According to confirmed information, there was probably also an incident on board one of the submarines belonging to the Nordholzer Marineflieger-Geschwader 3...


Frigate "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" returns from Alliance defence mission

On Tuesday, 8 November 2022 at 9.30 a.m., the Brandenburg-class submarine frigate "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" (F123) returned to Wilhelmshaven from a NATO mission. This marks the end of the second deployment this year for the crew and its commander, frigate captain Hendrik Wißler (45). Firstly, they travelled with the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) to the Atlantic off the Portuguese coast in summer, before the frigate then travelled in a national formation across the Arctic Circle to Andoya in the already slightly wintry north of Norway. The almost three-month tour was characterised throughout by demanding manoeuvres in a multinational and national framework,...


EuroNaval: BAE Systems with modularity to success - Adaptable Strike Frigate

BAE Systems used EuroNaval to present the concept of an "adaptable" frigate for the first time. Its key features are modularity and the integration of autonomous systems, which are intended to be deployed in all three dimensions (above, below and on the water). This should enable the frigate to bring combat power and presence to the theatre of operations. It should also be configurable for different scenarios, e.g. as part of an aircraft carrier task force or as a single operating unit. According to BAE, this requires a new approach to the design of warships in order to be able to effectively utilise the systems integrated on board in different command and operational structures. Open architectures are intended to increase the adaptability...
