Category: Armed Forces

Project 03160: Russia wants to modernise its Raptor combat boats

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"One of us" charity run - Bundeswehr and reservist running team handed over a donation

On 3 August 2022, the deputy chairman of the Bundeswehr and Reservists running team, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Muhs, handed over a donation cheque for EUR 5,500 to the commander of the Special Forces Command, Brigadier General Ansgar Meyer. Bundeswehr and reservist running team supported bereaved families The reason for this charity run was an accident at the Special Forces Command (KSK). On 9 June 2022, a KSK soldier tragically lost his life during mountain training. The Bundeswehr and reservist running team spontaneously decided to support the bereaved by organising a charity run. The charity run was a great success The "One of us" charity run was so well supported that over EUR 5,000 was raised in just two weeks. To the...


Cameras replace peacekeepers

The straits of the Red Sea are of strategic importance Remote-controlled cameras will take over responsibility from the US-led peacekeeping forces to ensure that international shipping retains free access to the Gulf of Aqaba, whose coast is shared by Israel and three Arab states. The island of Tiran, which lies in the strait of the same name at the mouth of the Gulf, was handed over to Saudi Arabia by Egypt in 2017 along with the neighbouring island of Sanafir. During a visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia last week, US President Joe Biden announced that the small contingent of Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) on Tiran would be withdrawn. The MFO...


First Blue Angels pilot

The legendary "Blue Angels", the U.S. Navy's aerobatic squadron, announced its new recruits on Monday. Among them is Lt. Amanda Lee, the first female pilot to fly the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet in the squadron. The famed squadron selected two F/A-18E/F demonstration pilots, an events coordinator, a C-130J Super Hercules pilot, an aviation maintenance officer and a flight surgeon to replace departing team members, according to the unit. A total of 17 officers serve with the Blue Angels, the second oldest aerobatic team in the world. The mere fact that a squadron publishes the names of its members because the American public is interested, because they have cult status and because they are proud of it, is...


Portsmouth: British mine diver memorial unveiled

In Portsmouth, the large Royal Navy base on the south coast of England, a memorial was presented to the public in the presence of numerous naval personnel to commemorate and honour the life-threatening work of British and allied mine divers during the Second World War. It is an old anchor mine with its highly sensitive "horns", which trigger the firing mechanism by kinking when touched. Two divers approach it from below to release it and let it float to the surface, to defuse it or to attach an explosive charge. One wrong move means instant death. This impression of danger is also conveyed by the filigree sculptural work and the...
