Category: Technology

rheinmetall: MASS decoy system for Australian Navy

From a Rheinmetall press release The Royal Australian Navy has ordered MASS (Multi Ammunition Softkill System) ship protection systems from Rheinmetall for its three Hobart-class destroyers and ten Anzac-class frigates. According to Rheinmetall, the first systems are to be delivered this year and full operational readiness will be achieved in 2027. The order, with a volume of 125 million euros, is the largest to date for the company's Maritime Defence Systems division. The contract includes options to equip the entire Australian fleet, which could increase the volume fivefold. Rheinmetall in Australia The order is the first naval contract...


Rostock: IAI and Atlas Elektronik present BlueWhale at the UDT

From a press release by IAI and Atlas Elektronik At the Undersea Defence Technology (UDT) conference and exhibition in Rostock on 10 May 2023, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and ATLAS ELEKTRONIK (thyssenkrupp Marine Systems) officially unveiled their latest joint development for underwater operational scenarios such as Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Seabed Warfare (SW). Eyal Shapira, Vice President/Managing Director Air Defence and Naval Systems at ELTA (IAI) and Michael Ozegowski, Managing Director of ATLAS ELEKTRONIK (tkMS), explained the joint product BlueWhale ASW. Platform and sensor technology The unmanned underwater vehicle is based on an autonomous underwater multi-mission platform from ELTA. In addition to state-of-the-art sensor systems, the new underwater...


IT security on board - FKIE security laboratory

Wie der Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw) am 2. Mai 2023 berichtete, baut die Forschungsgruppe „Maritime Cyber Security“ am Fraunhofer-Institut für Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie (FKIE) zusammen mit dem Fraunhofer-Center für Maritime Logistik und Dienstleistungen (Fraunhofer CML) ein maritimes Sicherheitslabor auf. In diesem sollen Cyberangriffe auf Schiffe simuliert, erkannt und abgewehrt werden können. Schiffe als mögliche Angriffsziele Cyberattacken auf Industrie und kritische Infrastrukturen nehmen weltweit zu. Auch Schiffe, die jedes Jahr Milliarden Tonnen Güter rund um den Globus transportieren, sind als Teil der globalen Lieferketten potenzielle Ziele. Insgesamt steigt der Bedarf an Vernetzung – sei es, um Routen ideal steuern zu...


Netherlands: Jules Verne's fiction 2.0

Six months ago, we reported on the "Nautilus" here. The submersible superyacht is a luxury project by Dutch boat builder "U-Boat Worx", which shines above water as a yacht with a pool and sun deck, and offers the legendary luxury of Jule Verne's fantastic fiction under water - only on the most modern level. All this can be read in the original article attached. Now "U-Boat Worx" has teamed up with the Italian design studio "Officina Amare" to design the interior - virtually for the time being, of course. The mezzanine deck located in the forward underwater hull offers plenty of cosy places with comfortable seating areas that can also be used in extended company.


A&R: State-of-the-art mine defence with contactor system

Anschütz supplies mine defence command and control system for Indonesian boats Abeking & Rasmussen (Lemwerder, Bremen) had commissioned Anschütz (Kiel) to develop and supply an integrated mine countermeasures (MCM) solution for two mine countermeasures units of the Indonesian Navy. The first of the two brand new vessels, which are among the most modern of their kind, is currently successfully completing its sea trials. Both units are due to be delivered to the Indonesian Navy before the end of this year. The integrated solution consists of navigation and bridge systems, an integrated SYNTACS command and control system and a modern sonar for mine hunting. A newly developed software module provides the necessary functions for planning, executing, coordinating...
