Category: Headlines

Ice cold training

At the invitation of the Norwegian Navy, ships from Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Canada, Portugal and Germany exercised together with units from the Nordic partner between Bodø and Tromsø in the second half of November. The Flotex Silver 21 manoeuvre brought together frigates, corvettes, minesweepers and supply vessels, as well as submarines, maritime patrol aircraft, fighter aircraft, helicopters and the Norwegian coastal hunters, an infantry unit, in the already freezing cold north of Europe. Access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet? Click here for the marineforum digital+ subscription: Access to all...


Arctic Blue - Successful documentary about power poker in the Arctic

Seit geraumer Zeit verfolgt das marineforum nun schon die Entwicklung in der Arktis und dem Nordatlantik. Denn das Eis schmilzt – schneller als dem Einen lieb ist - zu langsam für den Anderen. Scheller als im Rest der Welt verändert sich die Landschaft und mit ihr die Gegebenheiten. Es gibt neue, einfachere Zugänge zu Bodenschätzen, es entstehen neue Verkehrs- und Schifffahrtswege - und neue Machtansprüche. Dokumentation zur Lage in der Arktis In dem Zweiteiler Arctic Blue – Machtpoker im schmelzenden Eis reisen ZDF-Reporter Johannes Hano und sein Team durch den Norden der USA, durch Kanada, Grönland, Norwegen und Russland....


Impulses for defence policy 2022 - Symposium on 7 March 2022

The DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR WEHRTECHNIK e.V. is holding the symposium "Prospects for the defence industry 2022" on 7 March 2022. Offline. For more than 10 years, the Defence Industry Perspectives Symposium has been the kick-off event of DWT and SGW for the respective event year. It has proved extremely successful in this function. Statements made by the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg) and senior representatives of the security and defence industry at the beginning of the year always provide important points of reference for the further development of defence policy, but above all for equipping the Bundeswehr in the current year. This applies in particular to the Symposium 2022, which is now being held a few months after the formation of the...
