Category: Headlines

MFG5 gatekeeper shines in new splendour

It had been missing since March 2020, the Sikorsky H 34 with the registration 80+59 at the entrance to the Nordholz naval air base. It came to Nordholz from MFG 5 in Kiel in 2012 to keep watch over all naval aircraft. Its restoration has now been completed and it has been back in its place in new splendour since 1 October. Thanks to the initiative of Chief Boatswain Adrian Weingart from the NH 90 technical squadron, the aircraft was made fit for the future last year by comrades and employees from the Bundeswehr and Airbus Helicopter. In addition to repairing the rotor blades and the rotor head, various holes had to be closed....


USS Connecticut Investigation result: Grounding

So there are still blank spots on the maps of the earth after all! At least on the charts of the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) in the Pentagon, there must be previously unknown shallows. This is the conclusion one can come to when reading the results of the US Navy's accident investigation into the accident involving the USS Connecticut (Seawolf-class nuclear submarine) in the South-East Asian Pacific at the beginning of October. The submerged submarine is said to have run aground on a previously unmeasured shoal. The damage to the outer hull of the boat was described as minor. There were also only minor injuries to the crew. This is the official version. As is well known...


Farewell to an exceptional officer

On 23 September 2021, Vice Admiral Rainer Maria Brinkmann handed over command of the fleet and support forces to Rear Admiral Jan Christian Kaack at the Mürwik Naval Academy. When someone says goodbye, they usually have a lot to say, or they are introverted at the moment of parting. Vice Admiral Brinkmann's "Golden Voyage", to which he invited selected reservists on the FULDA in Kiel on 7 September, contained both. His last official speech as Deputy Inspector and Commander of the Fleet and Support Forces on 23 September on the Admiral's Lawn at the Mürwik Naval Academy was, as expected, unforgettable. For Brinkmann...


Suez Passage becomes more expensive

Shipping journeys through the Suez Canal are to become more expensive. The operators have announced that the price of transits will increase from February 2022. Admiral Osama Rabea, head of the Suez Canal Authority, announced the price increase for almost all ships, except for cruise ships. According to the authority, the increase is 6% and reflects economic developments. This is Egypt's way of taking a slice of the growing global trade pie, as demand in maritime transport has increased and up to 6.7 % in profits are expected for shipping companies in 2022. Egypt also needs money to expand the canal. After the accident of the Ever Given...
