Category: Headlines

Danish Navy - In the piracy hotspot

Denmark prepares for action against pirates in the Gulf of Guinea Between November 2021 and April 2022, the Dannebrog, the flag of Denmark, will not only fly over merchant ships in the Bay of Guinea, but will also be flown by the frigate ESBERN SNARE. The ship, equipped with a Seahawk helicopter and a crew of around 175 including a special force, is to put the pirates of West Africa in their place. The ship will be part of an international task force set up in response to an IMO resolution from May 2021, in which states, the UN and the G7++ Friends of the Gulf of Guinea...


U 35 back from deployment

Not nice weather in Eckernförde, but a nice day for the crew of U 35 and their families. The submarine "U 35", under the command of Corvette Captain Oliver Brux (34), returned from the EU operation "Irini" at 10.00 a.m. on the dot. The European Union's "Irini" operation is monitoring and enforcing the arms embargo against Libya, in which the boat successfully participated. The public did not learn the details of the operation, but that is not important today. The important thing is that everyone is back safe and sound and can now relax with family and friends. Thanks to the press office...


Federal Minister of Defence on a farewell tour

Federal Minister of Defence Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is on her farewell tour. The traditional and impressive building of the Mürwik Naval Academy is therefore a must-see. Accompanied by the commanding officer, Flotilla Admiral Jens Nemeyer, she was able to visit the ship simulator, the training mast and the boat harbour, among other things, as announced on 14 October. She used the visit for relaxed discussions. She also signed the school's guest book. Photos: Marcel...


Connected sea mine defence

Although with a certain phase shift, the further development of underwater explosives to combat surface vessels and submarines proceeded congruently with the perfection of their defence measures. The principle became established that the use of sea mines and sea mine defence were mutually dependent. In the decades that followed, various means of sea mine defence were developed: trailed mechanical clearing devices for cutting anchor mines, trailed electrodes and sound generators designed to respond to the sensors of bottom mines and, finally, sonar systems that enable the detection of dangerous objects in the water column and on the seabed. In the case of sonar-based mine hunting, the mines are destroyed with the help of underwater drones, usually wire-guided, or by mine divers. A special feature...


Reederei Hamburg Süd - 150 years on the world's oceans

From 4 November, the International Maritime Museum will be hosting a special exhibition on 150 years of the Hamburg Süd shipping company. The shipping company has been at home on the world's oceans for 150 years now. Both world wars led to the total loss of its fleet, but both times it managed to recover and rebuild. In 1936, the Bielefeld-based company Dr August Oetker acquired a stake in Hamburg Süd. In 1955, the Oetker Group took over the shipping company completely. A successful period of steady expansion began until Hamburg Süd was sold to the Danish A.P. Møller-Mærsk Group at the end of 2017. The range of exhibits on display in the special exhibition extends from the founding charter of the...
