Category: Headlines

Training at MUS: committed and practice-orientated

Anyone who has ever been on duty at the watch of a floating unit or a naval shore station will be familiar with them: large boards with lots of photos of all kinds of people hanging on them. If one of them comes across the Stelling, please leave everything behind and inform the watch commander. He would then be at the scene of the incident like lightning to blow the whistle and dutifully report it. Well, while the commander is known and, in the best case, appreciated, the commanders still to be found on these boards are rarely seen. After all...


Greenpeace protests at TKMS

Thirteen Greenpeace activists have been demonstrating in the harbour basin of the Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) shipyard in Kiel since the early hours of the morning. The corvette Nitzachon, which was built at the shipyard and handed over to the Israeli navy together with its sister ship Atzmaut on 27 July, is currently still moored there. Among other things, the four Sa'ar 6 corvettes are to be used to secure the natural gas fields off the country's coast. Greenpeace is calling on the German government to immediately stop arms exports for the protection of fossil fuels. The activists' protest, which included five life rafts, four kayaks and floats, formed a line in front of the corvette...


First flight of the Norwegian P-8

Two hours and 24 minutes: that's how long the maiden flight of the first P-8A for the Norwegian Air Force took on 9 August. On the flight from Renton Municipal Airport to Boeing Field in Seattle, a maximum altitude of 41,000 feet was reached. Following the transfer to Boeing's Installation and Checkout Facility, the mission systems will be installed and the complete weapon system will then undergo extensive functional tests. So far, production of the aircraft is on schedule, meaning that handover to Norway is still planned for this year. "The maiden flight is an important milestone for Norway and the team at Boeing...


First stop: Rota

On its way to the Far East, the frigate Bayern has made a stop in the Spanish harbour of Rota. There, just a few nautical miles off the Strait of Gibraltar, Commander Tilo Kalski and his crew were welcomed by soldiers from the EU Naval Force (EU Navfor). During the voyage, the German frigate will also take part in Operation Atalanta for some time. On 2 August, the Bayern left its home port of Wilhelmshaven under the watchful eye of Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Over the coming months, the ship, which was commissioned in 1996, will be travelling through the Mediterranean, the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean....


From north to south

Britain wants to go global again. To this end, it is having the Royal Navy's flagship, the brand new Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier, sail halfway around the world to the east with a multinational battle group. But the focus is also on the south, albeit not quite as large-scale and media-effective. The HMS Protector will be the first British Navy ship to sail to the far South Atlantic and visit Antarctica since 2019. At first glance, it can only be recognised as a naval vessel by its hull number (A 173), as its signal red hull, white superstructure and yellow masts...
