Category: Headlines

Change of command on the frigate Lübeck

Sie ist die letzte im aktiven Dienst befindliche Fregatte der Klasse 122 und nun hat sie einen neuen Chef: Fregattenkapitän Kai Röckel hat vom Kommandeur des 4. Fregattengeschwaders, Kapitän zur See Dirk Jacobus, das Kommando über die Fregatte Lübeck erhalten. Zuvor war Fregattenkapitän Mathias Rix seit September 2019 für die Männer und Frauen an Bord verantwortlich. Emotional verabschiedete er sich mit den Worten: „Ich blicke auf eine intensive und erfüllte Kommandantenzeit an Bord der letzten beiden Fregatten der Klasse 122 zurück und bin stolz darauf, gemeinsam mit meinen Besatzungen die hinter uns liegenden Aufgaben erfolgreich gemeistert zu haben. Die...

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Another drug find in the Caribbean

The French navy was once again successful in the fight against drug smuggling in the second week of February. In the dark, the crew of the frigate Germinal spotted a suspicious boat without a national emblem in the south-west of the island of Saint-Martin. As the frigate approached the boat, it turned away and attempted to flee. During the pursuit, the men and women on board the naval vessel were able to document 15 packages being thrown into the sea. They eventually managed to stop the boat and arrest the three occupants. In the hours that followed, the Germinal located 11 of the 15 packages and fished them out of the water. As expected,...

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Hensoldt with significant sales growth

Countries around the world are increasing their defence spending. Hensoldt AG, which manufactures radar equipment and optronics for military purposes, among other things, is also benefiting from this. In the past financial year, the order backlog rose by 55 per cent to a record 3.4 billion euros thanks to a series of new major projects. The turnover generated increased by 8.3 per cent to 1.2 billion euros. Despite start-up losses in the early phase of major projects, the adjusted EBITDA margin (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) improved to 18.2 percent, which corresponds to EUR 219 million. As a result, the adjusted free cash flow also increased from 75 million to 196 million euros. CEO...

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We are #meerverstehen!

Wir sind zurück - im neuen Gewand und in neuer digitaler Nachbarschaft! Im April 2014 haben wir in unserem ersten Beitrag geschrieben: Meer Verstehen ist ein Blog über maritime Themen, das heißt: Maritime Sicherheitspolitik und die Deutsche Marine sollen hier ebenso ihren Platz finden wie das Vorstellen innovativer Technologien, Erkenntnisse über das Reiseverhalten von Tunaschwärmen sowie Nachdenkliches über die Abhängigkeit unserer Gesellschaft vom Meer. Alles was schwimmt und taucht und für uns Menschen wichtig ist oder werden kann, soll von uns aufgegriffen werden! Fast sieben Jahre und über 170 Beiträge später wollen wir an dieser Prämisse nichts ändern: #meerverstehen...

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Egypt becomes the first international customer for Mica NG

In future, the Egyptian Navy's corvettes will be equipped with improved missiles from MBDA for their air defence. After the four Gowind corvettes recently purchased by the French Naval Group have already been equipped with Mica FKs, the remaining ships will be fitted with the new-generation variant of this FK as soon as it becomes available. They are a further development of the Mica FK and are suitable for close-range defence against smaller targets that are difficult to detect, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or small aircraft. In addition, conventional targets can also be effectively engaged. In addition to aircraft and helicopters, these include cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles in particular. The navalised version of the missile is made from...

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