Category: Headlines

Sharp shooting

The German Navy can look back on a successful missile firing exercise. Between 3 and 12 May, the crew of the frigate Hamburg successfully fired 20 guided missiles during the Missile Firing Exercise 2021 off the Norwegian coast. Drones were used as targets to test the air defence systems and weapon systems and to give the crew the opportunity to train the procedures under realistic conditions. Other missiles were used against simulated sea targets. The fact that the Type 124 frigate also has an artillery component was demonstrated by the soldiers with 150 shots from the 76-millimetre onboard cannon. The Hamburg was accompanied during the Andøya exercise...


The US Navy orders at Lake Constance

Rolls-Royce to supply mtu gensets for Constellation frigates Rolls-Royce has been awarded a contract to supply mtu-branded naval gensets for the first phase of the US Constellation-class frigate newbuilding programme (FFG-62). The US Navy project was formerly known as the FFG(X) programme. Specifically, Rolls-Royce has been contracted to supply four mtu marine gensets, each rated at 3000 kWe at 1800 rpm, for the first ship of the new class. The Constellation-class frigates have been designed for use in coastal and deep-sea waters. The gensets are based on mtu 20V 4000 M53B engines and deliver a total output of 12 MW for propulsion and on-board power supply. The...


MTU secures maintenance contract for US turbines

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg has been awarded a contract by the US Department of Defence for the repair and maintenance of LM2500 turbines. The turbines used in the Arleigh Burke and Ticonderoga class ships are to be repaired and overhauled in Ludwigsfelde, south of Berlin, by June 2027. MTU is sharing the contract worth almost 68 million dollars with Air New Zealand Gas Turbines, a subsidiary of the airline of the same name based in Auckland, New Zealand. The LM2500 turbines were designed and built by the American company General Electric. They are based on the CF6-6 civil aircraft engine and have a gas generator with a rotor that is aerodynamically optimised to...


Spearfish Mark-1 achieves Initial Operating Capability

That would make any German submariner envious: Over the past few days, the British navy has been carrying out torpedo tests in the Caribbean. So instead of cold weather and overpriced beer, it's sunshine and cocktails. And with a suntan and target water, it obviously shoots well too, because the revised version of the Spearfish torpedo has been awarded Initial Operating Capability. The lucky crew of the HMS Audacious travelled to the site for the tests. With their boat, the fourth of the Astute class, they were able to carry out five successful shots with the officially Mod-1 christened heavyweight torpedo. Equipped with this seal of approval, the existing torpedoes can now be modernised and subsequently converted into...


SNMCMG 1 visits Warnemünde

On Friday, 14 May 2021, the ships and boats of the NATO mine countermeasures group SNMCMG 1 (Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1) moored at Warnemünde naval base. They will stay until next Monday. In addition to the German minehunting boat Sulzbach-Rosenberg, the mine defence group currently includes four other minehunting boats from Estonia, England, Belgium and the Netherlands. There is also the Belgian command and logistical support ship Godetia, the flagship of the organisation. "We've been underway since mid-April and haven't had the opportunity to get to know the ports we've visited due to the current Covid-19 situation, so being in a military harbour where we can move around freely is a great relief."...
