Category: Armed Forces

India's great power ambitions

With 1.4 billion people, India is the most populous country in the world and is home to the fifth largest economy in the world. Now New Delhi wants to join the global leadership club at a political and military level. As a nuclear power and with extensive investments in modern conventional weapons, India is emphasising its global ambitions and its claim to a stronger role on the international stage. The government is pursuing a dual strategy aimed at consolidating its global role through increased international recognition while protecting and expanding its geopolitical and economic interests. A targeted expansion and diversification of bilateral and multilateral partnerships...


First Virginia-class submarine stationed on Guam

The transfer of the Minnesota to the Pacific island places high demands on the logistics of the US Navy. The US armed forces are describing the arrival of the USS Minnesota on Guam on 26 November 2024 as a significant milestone for their navy and their strategic planning in the Indo-Pacific region. As the first Virginia-class submarine to be permanently stationed on Guam, the Minnesota symbolises the increased presence and readiness of US forces in this geopolitically tense region, the Indo-Pacific Command said in a press release. The stationing of the Minnesota on Guam is part of a broader Pentagon plan to strengthen the force structure in the Indo-Pacific and to increase...


A whole new dimension

The South Korean navy is continuously working to further develop its capabilities. Its most modern submarines largely incorporate technology developed domestically. On 30 March 2023, the keel of a conventionally powered submarine was laid at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) in Okpo, South Korea, which is exceptionally large with a length of 89 metres and a displacement of 3,600 tonnes. What is particularly remarkable about this new boat, however, is the fact that the future Lee Bong-chang will have ten bays for launching submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs). The Lee Bong-chang is already the fourth unit...


Once in a lifetime

Interview by Alexander Gottschalk After seven and a half months at sea and circumnavigating the globe, the German Navy's Indo-Pacific Deployment 2024 is over. Time for a chat with the two commanders of Task Group 500.01, Flotilla Admirals Axel Schulz and Helge Risch. Flotilla Admiral Schulz, what expectations did you have as Commander Task Group on 7 May? For me personally, this year's Indo-Pacific Deployment (IPD 24) is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'm sure most of the soldiers who took part feel the same way. Travelling around the world is always something very special. What's more, the two units were the first non-training ships to be deployed...


Extension of the term of service of Burke & Co.

At the end of October, the US Navy announced that it would be extending the service life of twelve of the oldest Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. They belong to the first generation of this ship class, the Flight I, and were commissioned between 1992 and 1997. The ships were originally designed for a service life of 35 years. The decision in favour of the service life extension is based on a comprehensive assessment of the condition of each individual ship, including combat capability and access marineforum digital+ Are you already a registered user? Log in here now - also MOV members: Username Password Remember meLost your password? Don't have access yet?...
